1.我纹身,就是带着痛感的信仰,而痛恰是纹身重要的一部分,没有痛,就没有深刻,没有痛,就没有埋葬。2.我的纹身是一个无声的宣言,一个有形的态度。3.原来,这个世界上真的有那么一种人。我染头发,我纹身,那些不过是我的保护色。4.一边喝啤酒,一边纹身。没有为梦想经历过痛苦过的人生才是最痛苦的人生。我知道我是好姑娘,即使我纹身、抽烟、喝酒、说脏话。5.你对我,如同纹身一般,真正分开的时候,连带着血肉一同剥离,等到痊愈,还留下了深深不可恢复的痕迹。你如同刺青般,在我的生活中留下了无法抹去的印记。6.我的纹身是一件极有意义而又无比正式的事情,就像是一种信仰,支撑我继续生活的信仰。7.据说在身上涂战漆和在暴蛮也是禁忌,可是我选择了金属饰钉和鼻环,它们颇受迎接。这让我明白,每个人都有自己的方式来表达自己,不必拘泥于传统规范8.那些妖娆肆意放纵,是灵魂深处颤栗着洒脱的心情。我喜欢将这些感觉烙在骨上,而不是皮肤上9.浸入皮肤的疼痛令我们清醒,那些帅气个性只适合此生不悔的人,因为若要抺去,将发现已然千疮百孔,那是不可能洗掉或抺净的记忆10.I have my own tattoos, but you don't know because you like to tattoo on the skin and I prefer to carve on bones11.my heart is broken like a wave, my emotions are shaken like the wind, my love is gone like smoke, just like tattoos that cannot be erased12.those scars are not only permanent marks but also badges of honor that prove we've been through something13.you may think tattoos are cool and personal expressions of individuality14.your love for me is the most beautiful tattoo ever inked in your heart15.tattoos are a form of permanent identification or design created by puncturing the skin with needles and applying colorants or causing raised scars16.i do not follow any rules or conform to societal norms17.some memories remain as scars while others serve as reminders18.nothing lasts forever except our pain19.just as there's no return from this path once taken20.my body bears witness to the past21.the tools used in tattooing must be clean22.i am who i am because of my tattoos23.tattoos endure longer than eternal emotions24.scar tissue can be seen as an original form of tattoo25.just as tattoos leave indelible marks26.i believe in what i believe27.by wearing battle paint and getting violent tattoos, one breaks free from conventions; yet metal jewelry and nose rings find acceptance