1.既然无法回到过去,我更应思考我的未来。2.别让一阵风就让我泪流满面,一杯酒就让我醉倒不醒。3.你可以为了一个人爱到无悔,但绝不能爱到失去尊严。4.你还在想和他重归于好吗?毕竟我知道你的心软是一种病态。5.当我开始喜欢上你时,那是我最不懂爱的年纪;等我懂得了爱,你却离去了。6.后来看到你关上门的背影,我深刻地后悔,求你不要走好吗?7.当我们恋人时,我们吸入那么多勇气,最后吐出的是仅有的叹息。8.从此以后,我都会绕开那条街,而多希望能在另一条街遇见你。我曾经热情地给予了所有,却剩下什么呢?9.I surrendered all my passion to you, what am I left with? 10.Love often turns a grown-up back into a child; every breakup forces us to learn how to be an adult again.
11.We keep moving forward, don't look back as if we never loved at all.
12.There's nothing like it, no matter how many times I relive the past, there will always be regrets in life.
13.Every time I look up at the sky, I don't want to talk anymore; every time I speak, I'm afraid not to look up at the sky.
14.I can drink down fiery liquor and endure the long autumn without you.
15.I hate waving goodbye because it's a farewell; I dare not think of shaking hands because there is no telling when that will happen.
16.How can someone only be willing to be friends with someone they love?
17.The feeling between two people can only be sustained by one person's hard work and determination before giving up or making a decision.
18.I have never believed that I would fall for someone this deeply.
19.We're both bad actors in love; we can't hide our passion nor pretend to like each other.
20.No matter how many people try to chat with me, it's still not enough compared to your single word - even if it was just one word.
21.I've become accustomed to living without any surprises now.
22.Love cannot turn back into wandering again.
23.My retreat was too late for which apologies; my hesitation was excessive for which apologies; my love wasn't deep enough for which apologies; my feelings weren't harsh enough for which apologies are due.
24.After you left, our hometown became devoid of spring and autumn but only winter and summer - no more seasons of renewal or change.
25I wish... close your eyes... enjoy the sun's embrace... then open them again…
26.Smile at yourself for being overly emotional as if none of us had ever truly loved anyone.
27.The hopelessness began early on but refused resignation.
28.Smile at yourself for being overly emotional as if none of us had ever truly loved anyone.
29.That way we'll fade away from this relationship quietly: You choose new loves while Time chooses me.
30.Love isn’t just about roses - also anxiety and punishment follow after
31.This world doesn’t guarantee that all loves are best-loved ones; settling less than perfect is another form of loving anyway
32.A love so profound ultimately ends in abandonment