
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月10日
  • 1.在那些与我同样渴望虚荣的人面前,我发现自己的虚荣心得到了满足,恰如他们的痛苦与我的满足相等。 2.我注视的是自己的名声,而真正光荣的人则关注国家的伟大事业。 3.人们共聚一堂的一个原因,是为了交换彼此的心虚。 4.虚荣是母亲,而做作是女儿;它是罪恶,做作是惩罚。自爱之根和果实,这两者不可分割。 5.一个人的虚荣心难以消亡,有时甚至比他本人还要顽强地存活下去。 6











10.name带来glory, glory brings vanity.

11.my pride is so great that I even compare the opinions of those I look down on.

12.virtual savings are mostly stored within oneself; therefore, it's best to open a crack in one's vanity and avoid being controlled by it at will – in other words, it's necessary to let off steam every day.

13.I think I would like love more if it came back without all the romantic mishaps and materialistic vanity of "Love Apartment".

14.genuine humility can only be produced after deep contemplation of one's own vanity.

15.men – 80% of them – have two things in their subconscious: self-respect and vanity.

Knowing these psychological traits allows even a proud man to stand up or sit down with ease.

16.vanity drives us to do more than reason does.

17.if you really want your dreams to come true, wake up from them first.

18.people can know what honor is through their vanity and what justice is through their conscience.

19.the hallmark of ignorance is arrogance, vainglory, and pride.

20.i envy your loving aura that shines brightly like a rainbow; you're like an empress who reigns high above others' reach but never gets tired.Your expectation isn't me but the pleasure you take in adoring me - not because i'm too vain but because you've taught me this way.

21.you dislike my weight so i lose weight; you say i'm not beautiful so i learn how to dress up...but once i become perfect will you still be with me? It's not that i'm too vain; it's just what you've taught me

22.as long as one doesn't pretend anything, even vanity becomes endearing

23.people chase after shallow goals such as wealth, status symbols, luxurious lifestyles which seem beneath contempt

24.those with strong egos sometimes criticize themselves and sometimes praise themselves for personal gain while humble individuals remain silent about themselves throughout their lives

25.true fame lies beyond vainglory
