
  • 个性签名
  • 2025年01月09日
  • 1.明明不是陌生人,却装得比陌生人还神秘。 2.曾经我的日记里也有你的影子,如今,页页都散落在无尽的回忆中,你却不知去向。 3.爱上一个错误的人,就像一杯烈酒,一饮而尽,初时畅快后是心灵的炙烤。 4.伴着心痛的回忆,我泪流满面,只有慢慢地忘记才能前行。那些曾说永不分离的人,现在早已飘散天涯。 5.闺蜜,你是我非亲姐妹般的支持者。 6."老师常教我们,无论犯错,都要有理由!" 7









8.Husband and wife lung slice - 夫妻肺片









17.I am Song, my heart is timid.

18.. Do you like me?

19.Tell yourself: no emotions, no secret longing, no looking back.

20.The important thing isn't how good he is, but how much he cares about you.

21.Sometimes I feel sad not because of what I did, but because I can't do anything at all.

22.. There will come a day when we can be together without hiding our feelings from each other.

23.My inner turmoil

24.May the remaining light leave behind two eyes to meet your gaze once more.

25.. If someone needs others to motivate them to work for money and must have someone watching over them as they encourage and cheer them on before telling them not to bother working at all, then they should indeed be poor! Is this not a bitter truth? This is reality!

26., thinking of you is like three days ago: yesterday today tomorrow

27.Wanting someone who owes you money to remember you forever? That's the best way!

28.Some people are so impossible that even though it's clear they're out of reach, we still want to see them again and spend time with them.

29.Don't lament for lost youth; instead look straight into the fleeting time.

30.To succeed don't race with horses; ride on their backs!

31.Brothers are those who send 1000 messages in one go when you're heartbroken just so they can comfort you later making fun of your breakup appearance which looks really ugly.

32.Your presence seems an unattainable goal

33.No matter where or when keep an easy-going heart free from worries never let life get too exhausting.

34.Even missing one message from you feels unbearable while losing me won't even cross your mind perhaps because it doesn't matter enough for you.

35.In quiet nights send my warm wishes take away my deep greetings may my words wash away your fatigue bring peace into your beautiful dreams!

36.He always gives me candy when I'm ready to give up on him making me hesitate thinking it might be love.

37.The world's most distant distance isn’t between life and death but Monday through Friday.

38.I wander among countless lights only finding solace in returning home with thoughts of him

39.Everything comes full circle eventually

40.On Qixi Festival day I'll play video games nonstop clearing level after level until every pair disappears

41.Meeting someone changes everything originally this wasn’t limited only to romantic relationships

42.It’s just simple hope that if ever hurt by memories find solace knowing there’s still us beside

43.Letting go means giving freedom
