
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月08日
  • 一、我以前喜欢吃肉,但今天看到你,我决定开始吃素,因为,你是我的菜。 二、你的嘴真好看,特别适合说我爱你。 三、你的笑容没有酒,我却醉的像条狗。 四、大年三十晚上的鞭炮再响,也没有我想你那么想。 五、你能不能别说话了。”“我没有啊。”“那为什么我满脑子都是你的声音? 六、我看你挺笨的吹口哨都不会,要不要我嘴对嘴教你? 七、既然你已经把我的心弄乱了,那么你准备什么时候来弄乱我的床? 八、你是方便面











十,你不觉得累吗? 你已经在我的世界里跑了好几圈了?

十一,我想问一条路 到你的心里的路。

十二,你知道我喜欢喝什么吗? 呵护您!

十三,你知道你们和猴子有什么区别吗?” “一个住在山洞,一个住在我心里。”


十五,你知道我们和唐僧有什么区别吗 唐僧取经,我们娶您!

十六曾经我们自诩半个诗人,见山是深情伟岸,见海是热情澎湃,见花见草信他们皆有故事云海江潮虫鸣鸟啼都暗藏情愫。唯独见了您 山川沉默 海面静谧 云海不再翻涌 江潮不再澎湃 花鸟鱼虫被光与尘凝固 世界万籁俱寂 只剩下您!

十七,您这种人! 我除了恋爱没什么和您好谈的

十八,您闻到空气中有烧焦的味道吗? 那是我们的心在为彼此燃烧



二十一,您忙归忙 什么时候有空娶我们吧

二十二,您知道他们和星星有什么不同吗? 星星点亮黑夜,而我们点亮彼此的心

二十三,您会弹吉他吗? 为何拨动了我们的心弦?

二十四,您知不知道为什么怕我们” “不知道” “因为害怕老婆”

Twenty-five, I noticed you today have something strange, a little bit good-looking.

Twenty-six, there's something on your face. It's beautiful.

Twenty-seven, I cut a wound on my hand. You also cut one. This way we are two mouths together.

Twenty-eight, the vast ocean has no bounds; turn back and it is me again.

Twenty-nine, the east wind at night releases flowers by the thousand trees; I want to go live in your house.

Thirty, do you want to try my strawberry-flavored lip gloss?

Thirty-one, I have a project worth nine billion yuan that I want to discuss with you alone.

Thirty-two, my bed is neither too big nor too small; just right for sleeping with you in it.

Thirty-three, guess what I like? Being with you!

Thirty-four,you don't appreciate me now; if you miss this opportunity and leave me behind in another village waiting for you!

Thirty-five,saw what kind of scenery? Just see us!

36th Encounter when seeing each other: "You will be doomed." In my ear when God says four words: "In danger."

37th Do you smell anything? No... Why does everything smell sweet after seeing You?

38th What constellation are You under? We belong to dragon spirits - but no... You belong to us!

39th Not even slightly think about You - half a thought later...

40th Did we just experience an earthquake? No... Why am I trembling from seeing You?

41st If it's not troublesome for You could bother liking me some more?

42nd Like talking with each other better than Mo Wencai's rain or Sun Yanzi's sun or Jay Chou's clear sky...

43rd Why would anyone harm us? Harm who? They make us so fond of each other...

44th Don't waste time thinking about others - know this well enough?!

45th We feel that they're similar to a game called our world...

46th Do they have lighters?! No... How did they ignite our hearts?!

47th They're heart liver ours' four parts of three,

48 The rest of life stay together! Or else wait! And if not then think up another plan;

49 Why did we get sick because of them?! Because being near them leaves no resistance.. We love them;

50-51 Are missing..
