
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月03日
  • 1.在他们的生命里,留下了一串串铭记着历史、激励着后人的数字:一百三十五、一百六十二、二百二十一、二百八十、六百七十七。这些数字不仅是对英雄们无尽忠诚的见证,更是后人永远敬仰的丰碑。每一个战士都像铁一样坚硬,无畏前方的硝烟与血雨,为了家园而奋斗!2."你叫什么名字?"3."你知道祖国是什么吗?"4."现在我们的国家繁荣昌盛,就像你所愿想象的一样。"


1.在他们的生命里,留下了一串串铭记着历史、激励着后人的数字:一百三十五、一百六十二、二百二十一、二百八十、六百七十七。这些数字不仅是对英雄们无尽忠诚的见证,更是后人永远敬仰的丰碑。每一个战士都像铁一样坚硬,无畏前方的硝烟与血雨,为了家园而奋斗!2."你叫什么名字?"3."你知道祖国是什么吗?"4."现在我们的国家繁荣昌盛,就像你所愿想象的一样。"5."我是第六百七十七名伍万里。"6."我们被发现了吗?"7"Don't shoot at me, aim at the enemy!"8.他们似乎从天而降,神秘莫测。9"Why do you want to be a soldier? To make your brother proud of you? That's nothing! Let the enemy respect you instead!"10.The old leader said, "We've fought all the battles we should have, so we won't let you fight any more."11.Living is truly wonderful.12.The American Polar Bear Team claimed to be their ace card; then let them see how hard our fist is!13.Do you know what Seven Company is? Do you know how many times they've crawled out from the sea of corpses and blood to bury their fallen comrades and mend their own wounds, only to say they're alive again and must keep fighting?14.We've fought all the battles we should have; our future generations won't have to fight any more.15.A chicken egg that's cracked open from outside will inevitably be eaten; but if it hatches from within, who knows, maybe it'll become an eagle.16.A chicken egg cracked open from outside usually ends up being eaten; but if it hatches from within, perhaps it might become an eagle instead.17.We are about to face off against the world's best-equipped team -the Americans.-18.Fighting will be extremely tough, but we must strive for victory.-19.Give me a good beating.-20.Second platoon attack right flank! Third platoon attack left flank!-21.Listen up! Cover our radio operators and translators as they retreat first.-22.Listen up! All units board vehicles immediately.-23.The mountain knows me, the river knows me; my country will never forget me.-24.Brother, I'm going into battle with you!"25.Call yourself something?" "I'm Sixth Hundred Seventy-Seventh Wumanli.""
