1.在他们的生命里,留下了永恒的印记——十七、135、162、221、280和677——这些数字深刻地铭刻在心中,成为了后人敬仰的丰碑。每一位英雄战士都如同坚不可摧的铁塔,无畏前行,在熊熊战火中奋不顾身,为家园而战!2."你叫什么名字?"3."祖国是怎样的存在?"4."当我越过鸭绿江,看见对面炮火时,我背后的,是那份伟大的祖国。"5."我是第六百七十七名伍万里。"6."我们被发现了吗?"7"Don't shoot at me, point at the enemy instead, for a giant's gun is always aimed at the foe. 8.他们从何处出现,如同天降神兵。9"Why do you serve? So that your brother might look up to you! That's nothing, it's far more glorious to be looked up by your enemies!"10.The old leader said, "We've fought all the battles we should have; we won't let you fight any more."11.Living is indeed wonderful!12.The American Polar Bear Team claims to be their ace; then let us show them how hard our fists are!13.Do you know about the Seventh Company? Do you know how many times they've risen from the sea of corpses and blood, carrying their wounded comrades and looking upon their tattered flag? Thousands of soldiers cry victory and hail triumphantly, but the Seventh Company remains silent. They merely bury their fallen friends and bandage each other's wounds before saying: 'We're alive again; there's still fighting to do.'14.We've fought all the battles we should have; our successors will not need to fight anymore.15.A egg cracked open from outside is destined for consumption; if cracked open from within... perhaps it can become an eagle’s nest.16.An egg broken open from without usually ends in being devoured; if broken open by itself... who knows it may hatch into an eagle’s nest17.We face against a team equipped with world-class technology - America’s finest forces18.Fighting will be extremely difficult but we must strive for victory19.Give it a good beating20.First row second row attack right flank third row fourth row attack left flank21.Listen up! Protect radio operators and translators as they retreat first22.Listen up! Each unit board vehicles23.Mountains know me rivers know me my motherland will never forget me24.Brother I'll go fight with you25.Call yourself what?"The sixth hundred seventy-seventh name Wumwali".