
  • 毕业说说
  • 2024年12月30日
  • 我的温柔,是一种心机。我的情感是社会的润滑剂,善于利用我的温柔,一定是聪明的我。柔度的把握,在我自己。过软,人痴醉的时间会随着新鲜感的消失,而对我失去兴趣。如柔软的面团,任人柔和形状,失去的是我的个性。过硬,人痴迷的时间会随着保鲜膜的破损,而遗失对我的好感。如钢板的僵硬,任锤打棍压,都铁木铮铮,剥落的是我本性。 我的温柔是分一种场合。我是感情的催化剂,擅长掌握自己的我,一定是个明智的人




My warmth is a strategy. Different people have different ways of being warm; different warmth, for different men. My attitude towards you, my love for you; your attitude towards me, your affection for me. I was not born stupid; it's just that I've been hurt by your bad behavior and have changed myself. The process of change is also the process of growth.

My form of warmth depends on the person I encounter, whether there are adjustments in love. A good woman shapes a good man; a good man equally shapes a woman's warmth. In this world, men and women complement each other and influence each other, loving each other mutually shaping each other.

In this world where men own as much as they do women without any reason to be independent or separated from one another either way. This world belongs to both men and women - we are an inseparable whole entity together with them.
