14.childhood illnesses, how you test our patience and our love! 宝贝,你虽然暂且康复,但我还要陪你熬过更多这样的夜晚,直到你完全恢复健康吧!
15.vale, let my child be healthy and strong forevermore! 我希望我的宝贝,从此以后少一些生病,更快长大,更高个头哦!
16.with each passing day, you grow up more maturely after recovering from illness...I can't help but feel a little proud of my little one.
17.hurry up to get better, I'd rather be the one who's sick than see you suffer like this.
18.imagine if I could bear your sickness instead of watching it with such pain in my heart...
19.even with all the knowledge at hand, facing a sick child still leaves me feeling anxious and helpless.
20.three days of fever have passed, Dad has been taking turns checking your temperature, cuddling you close and giving you medicine through the night...I feel a slight sense of relief as I watch over you sleep peacefully.
21.my dear baby,your pitiful look when ill is so heart-wrenching.I hope for your swift recovery!
22.you're burning with fever on the outside and breaking my heart within; every moment spent worrying about your health feels like an eternity!
23.i wish i could take on your illness instead,i drank medicine till i sweated buckets only to find myself burning again later tonight.Hope today's dose does its magic soon enough.
24.my precious baby is unwell - seeing them struggle brings tears to my eyes!I wish i could swap places with them so they don't have to suffer!
25.at last,baby,you've recovered from that cold .When kids are ill,parental anxiety never ceases.Growing up makes us realize that parents back then must've gone through similar struggles too; pity those loving hearts!
26.watchingyou struggle fills me with both guilt & sadness.Your weakest moments crave nothing but mommy's comfort yet here i am powerless byyour bedside,a throbbing ache within
27.baby fell ill yesterday & we had no choice but stay awake at night worrying about their runny nose & constant whimpers.Luckily drinking water helped soothe their discomforts
28.today we went to the hospital got some meds for baby hoping these will make them better soon enough.No more getting sick ever again mama can't handle it