10.new year, new me! 也许这是一个新的开始,但记住,没有必要完全改变,因为变化总是在不断发生。而且,你已经是一个完美无缺的人,不需要任何修饰或改造。但如果有一天你觉得自己需要一些小小改变,请记得,你可以随时回来找寻那个原来的自己,因为那个“原来的”一直在这里等待着你的归来——以及那些未曾被发现、未曾被尝试过、未曾被体验过的小确幸,都值得探索,都值得珍惜。你准备好了吗?
11."Happy New Year!" 这句话听起来有点像是魔法咒语,它能够使一切变得不同,重新开始,从零到英雄,从平凡到非凡。这一年,我们一起追求梦想,一起创造奇迹。一路上,如果遇见困难,请别忘记,即使是一个微不足道的小人物,也可能拥有巨大的力量,只要他敢于相信自己的梦想并勇敢地迈出第一步。如果现在就做不到,那也没关系,因为没有什么比现在更好的时代,更适合实现我们的理想。所以,现在就行动吧!因为正如老话所说:“成功往往只差一步,却又离失败仅一步之遥。”
12."New Year's Resolution" 是一种古老而神秘的手势,它意味着从今以后,你会做出不同的选择,对生活采取不同的态度。你准备好接受新的挑战,并拥抱生活中的每一次惊喜了吗?因为真正重要的是,不断地努力,不断地学习,不断地成长,而不是某个具体结果或者某个特定的目标。当你站立于生活的大门口,当你伸手去打开它,当那扇门缓缓开启时,你会发现整个世界都是属于你的—-全凭自己的双手去抓紧它吧!
13."The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." — Eleanor Roosevelt
14."A new year is like a blank page waiting for your story to be written on it."
15."You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."
16."Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."
17."The best way out is always through."
18.The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
19.The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
20.The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.
21.Why wait? The best time was yesterday; the next best time is today; but any day lost means a less efficient tomorrow.
22.Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
23.Be bold and mighty forces will come up with a wonder-working charm.
24.Don't watch the clock; do what it does: keep going!
25.All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.
26.Life shrinks or expands in proportion as one cultivates his mind – and entrusts his inner resources in reason.
27.Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.
28.Tell me what you want what you really really want!
29.I am always ready when my country needs me.
30.The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
31.Happiness can be found even in the darkest times if one only remembers
to turn on the light.
32.A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination,
and hard work.
33.Anyone who stops learning part of growing older has no valid excuse;
life necessitates some change everyday either by movement amongst us or inside of us as mental growth.
34.I hope this message finds you well and happy! I just wanted
to say that I'm thinking about you today and sending all my love
your way! You deserve all the happiness that comes your way!
I hope this new year brings joyous moments for both of us!
35.New beginnings are often bittersweet because they mark an end
to something familiar while promising unknown possibilities ahead,
but they also offer a chance at renewal - an opportunity for personal growth,
new experiences & fresh starts - so let go & embrace them with open arms!
36.Every journey begins with one step... And then another... And another...
So take that first step towards making this New Year amazing!
Your future self will thank you!