
  • 毕业说说
  • 2024年12月12日
  • 一、曾经的爱,像夏日里的露珠,在心中轻轻闪耀,却又悄无声息地消逝。 二、他不在乎你,不是忙碌,不是疏忽,而是一种对你的漠然,没有深情,也没有温柔,只是,他已经选择了离开。 三、我不是洒脱,只是在装作洒脱。我的心却沉重到难以呼吸,我那么爱你,但为什么感觉不到任何温度? 四、我不害怕未来,因为我经历过,一次又一次的挣扎和放手。热爱与痛苦交织成生命的一部分。 五、眼泪留给最疼你的那个人

















十六..,I can feel your pain,you have an unspeakable sadness... but you pretend to be indifferent. The more you do this, the harder it is for me.

17. We are always searching for that shared ending. Why should we let a man who doesn't appreciate us fall into such misery? Leaving someone who doesn't understand us is the most elegant departure, though there's a lingering sense of regret.

18. The scariest word in the world isn't separation, but distance.

19.. I want to know why we grew up so suddenly in the wind, those flowers that bloomed and withered, those pure and clear moments of youth and love—how did they pass through my body so cleanly?

20.. A smile is always the best thing on someone's face—the most beautiful thing forever.

21.. Now I choose to leave this city and all my acquaintances behind; I choose to escape from past memories. I won't take our memories with me when I leave; instead, I'll go back alone and gradually collect our old memories before throwing them deep into my heart no matter how painful it may be.

22.. At some point at an airport, everything stopped. Here people are all heading in different directions—hurrying off or landing quickly—and taking away stories while leaving their own memories behind.

23..., wounds are everywhere and anytime—a persistent ache that has become familiar over time. When there's no time to spare or concern yourself with them anymore—they're simply ignored as if nothing happened.

24..., You hurt me until you ignore yourself! You believe me until you doubt yourself!

25.... From saying "it will last forever" to eventually cherishing what we once had.

26... What year was it where? Which wall did I carve out a face—a smiling one full of worry?

27..., Memories turn into sand grains between fingers—dripping clean after each drop falls apart slowly...

28... After talking too much about it for too long now—I'm tired myself! How come you still don't get it?

29..., Once deeply engraved emotions now become carefree drifting clouds...

30... If someday my posts stop updating frequently—that means life has been good enough…
