
  • 毕业说说
  • 2024年12月05日
  • 1.纵使深海茫茫,星光指引前行,那灯火万家亦是迷失与归途的双重象征。 2.我不顾一切靠近,却被你忽略了多少退让。 3.在喧嚣中,我宁愿安静,不愿听他人言语。 4.世界上有许多无能为力的事,比如爱意的回应,比如时间的流逝。 5.换得一心爱到疯狂吧。你是否曾如此? 6.故事终将结束,但有人欢喜,有人悲伤。这就是命运的安排吗? 7.别以为世界抛弃了你,事实上,它从未关注过你的存在。 8










9.in your presence, i let go of all my pride.

10.simple words to express our sorrow, seeking a hint of comfort.

11.do you still hold on to someone without giving up?

12.a good wine is defined by two people willing to get drunk together.

13.don't cling to memories; a broken kite can only soar in the wind, letting it go frees both parties.

14.it's not about who knows more or less but about who loves more or less.

15.after understanding what love is, some people no longer dare to love again while others never knew how to love at all.

16.one day will come when we must part ways; why bother getting hurt?

17.i know i can only accompany you for this journey but i wish to stay by your side longer.

18.turning around just for you and yet you turn around too - fate's strange twist.

19.calmness is but a fleeting dream before falling into the abyss of despair and hopelessness.

20.stop crying over what doesn't belong to us; life isn't worth performing for an audience that doesn't understand us.

21.drunk and embracing each other with all the unspoken words of our undying love

22.your growth has made me realize that even as an adult you don’t smile often anymore

23.recognizing one's back from afar or one's profile from beside - trust me when I say it feels like home

24.deeper than intoxication lies sleep’s illusion and surrendering brings reverse entrenchment
