
  • 毕业说说
  • 2024年11月29日
  • 时光太瘦指缝太宽,一个不经意流年已把故事写好了结局,有些人注定要消散在清风明月里,有些缘注定要飘零在落花流水间,再怎么刻骨铭心的记忆,总有一天被光阴风吹散的无影无踪。想再次见到安好的模样,只为确定你尘埃落定的幸福,从此,天涯陌路,后会无期。 我还是很喜欢你,如同烟火陨落黑夜里,不留痕迹。我还是很喜欢你,如同故梦跌进时光里,悄无声息。我还是很喜欢你,如同竹马绕入青梅去,恍如梦境。我还是很喜欢你








其实最催泪的情书 是聊天记录,是最不能翻阅物品;翻开,就知道兩個人,是怎樣從無話不說到無話可說。在未放弃過愛你的情況下,它從浓烈變得悄無聲息。你突然觉得好难过,我们和他们,是不是就這麼散了?

I think about the time we will eventually part, but not as soon as this; I thought about our never-ending relationship, and in my mind, I considered giving you my entire second half of life. But it was we who parted ways. So very small-mindedly have I cherished our love that has never been substantial enough, and yet you added one person's weight to it; unwillingness is there too, but more so is the reluctance.

Nowadays' me only remembers him vaguely in my memory. Remembering when we broke up, I spent a long time overcoming days without him; now finally confirming that we truly are destined to meet again someday. The town is so small; we just didn't get along.

It's always someone else in my memories - hazy yet deep. Not daring to believe nor admit it - they're always the most beautiful fantasy for me or the cruelest reality of love. Love runs deep but powerless to possess.

Once she said no matter which university or city I'm at, she'll come see me; now though we're in the same city where once she fought for me with all her might - that girl who used to be by my side has disappeared from sight... We simply drifted apart like this?

Hope there won't be any days without your presence where you can be happy perhaps waiting patiently until you gradually forget me... All of these don't matter because I'll come back find you since in my heart there's only you.

Love is an individual thing while love between two people makes it even harder... You care deeply and treat them like sweet words whereas those who don't care about them would view such words as empty talk — this probably sums up many choices struggling before ultimately failing against already written conclusions: choosing between keeping on loving or letting go of what was meant to last forever?
