
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年03月20日
  • 1.人生如同一本书,只能翻阅一次,无法重温那些未曾发生的故事。 2.陆意涵在苏薇离去后,仍旧坚守着爱情,但那份坚守终究是徒劳。 3.青春的错,不在于我们是否犯错,而是在于我们如何从错误中成长。 4.世人的眼神里,你总是孤独一人,他们不知道你的苦楚与深情。 5.这个世界虽广阔,我却遇见了你;又或许,它太小,我才失去了你。 6.有一天,他会醒来,他会选择真心相待。但直到那时,我们已经无力再回头。 7










9."不嗔、不怒、不争、独善其身" —— 这些字句,在我面前显得如此虚无缥缈。

10.my heart longs for the one person who can never be replaced; even salvation is but a temporary reprieve, incapable of reviving me from my slumber.

11.in the dimly lit room at dusk, shadows danced across the walls, filling every corner with an eerie silence.

12.yet we are not granted billions of years; all we have is this one night, this one day.

13.I do not wish to burden anyone, yet I yearn for someone to love me unconditionally.

14.I once told myself that if I couldn't genuinely feel it, I wouldn't pretend; and if I did truly feel it, then at least let my expression remain unchanged.

15.after he finished speaking those words, I collapsed into sobs on his chest.

16.every time i think of him now i want to cry and am filled with regret and longing for what could have been.

17.to say "forever" is such a trite phrase yet so beautiful in its simplicity

18.parting ways was more painful than i had ever imagined

19.then in a sudden burst of emotion i threw myself into tears before turning away without looking back again

20.in the dead of night as i woke up from a dream i saw your face again - between wakefulness and sleep you were still there beside me

21.lifetime after lifetime forever by your side how wonderful that would be

22.i stare blankly at you our gazes meeting somewhere between reality and fantasy indistinguishable from each other

23.yet despite all doubt love has become the best thing i've ever done

24.i once loved you deeply just as surely as you must have felt something too in some fleeting moment

25.at times we're not unwilling to fight nor do we choose passivity when faced with adversity

26.i stand here while our youth drifts away like smoke beyond reach

27.the pain inflicted upon another person however noble or grand its justification ultimately proves far crueller than any thought possible beforehand

28.as time slips away like water through fingers on my palm feeling it slowly flowing by unseen

