1.我的性格就是这样,学不会主动、挽留,更别说死缠烂打。2.敬你一杯酒,从此莫回头;往事归零,爱恨随意;杯,你随意。3.我要的幸福,只有我自己才能给自己。4.遇到恶心事,你学会淡定和从容,这个世界上的千姿百态,防不胜防。5.不努力,让前任后悔,让暗恋开口,让现任长脸。6.任何关系,我选择离开,就不会再多看你一眼了。7.诋毁你的只有两种人:追不的男人和不如你的女人。你是哪一种?8.没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从现在开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。你准备好了吗?9.生而为人,请记住:有些话不中听,不放在耳中,有些人不真诚,不放在心上。你怎么做?10多少人的关系变了,是因为别人的嘴。不知我曾经在谁嘴下死过,但是喜我者,我惜之;嫌我者,我避之。我是谁呢?11.You can love three to five people wrong, but you can't love one person three to five times, walking down the wrong path may be bad luck, but constantly jumping into the same pit is just asking for it.What do you think?12.Want to get the best things in this world? First show the world your best self.Your turn!13.Don't take other people's gossip as gifts, because you're not a trash collector.Any thoughts?14.What's the point of dating? To give up a bunch of men for one man? Think about it and realize how ridiculous that sounds.Let me know what you think!15.Not getting hurt once or twice makes you strong over time.Agree or disagree?16.No matter how many ups and downs I've had, I won't let them bring me down.I'm back on my feet again!17.Any relationship: if you want to be strangers, I won't even look at you twice.The final decision is yours!18.Give thanks for my imperfections; they helped me see who's worth my time and who isn't.Get real with yourself!19.Don't bother comparing me to anyone else; I'm not your shadow or replacement.I know what I am worth.Let others try to keep up with me instead!I20.If someone wants out, let them go already; don't waste my time with all these empty words.Your choice - accept or move on21.Don’t settle for mediocrity; don’t force it; don’t flatter others; don’t follow the crowd.Be bold like a shining star22.Make those who love me proud, make those who abandon me regretful, make those who dislike me unsure of themselves.Makes sense?
23.Sometimes people appear just to open our eyes.Take responsibility for your own life: block out lies , endure superficiality , tolerate deceit , forget promises , let go of everything .24.Work hard for the life you want – for its simple joys – and today's breeze and moonlight.Your call!
25.Become a reliable person - always have something settled before acting - every task has an outcome - every action has consequences .26.Realize that some relationships are meant to end.Everyone deserves happiness.
27.Hard work pays off when we chase our dreams & passions !28 Life goes on... 29 No matter how close we are (even like bone), if we hit each other’s bottom line...I'll smile while kicking them away !30 Money earned shouldn’t be wasted ; money spent shouldn’t be excessive .31 You treat others well enough & so will I ; badly enough & neither will i
(No more than 31 sentences)