9.一个人久了,会越来越理性,越来越现实10.头破血流又任何,至少我争取过,比后悔好的多。11.如果你爱我,请拿出你的真心,不爱我就衮出我的世界12.不谈恋爱 是因为我在等一个能谈一辈子的恋爱。
13.if you are my,that you just can be my14.hope i this little friend let you worried let you hard to forget15.this life can go a skin bag,not off a bit of proud bone.
if u dont experience my journey,dont criticize the way i walk16.i,rational,clear,sure17.thank u for letting me down,downed then wont have hope anymore18.security is not given by others,takes how much love yourself,eat full wear warm,phone always on money bag always fat,before the hero appears,you should love yourself more.
19.hold on is a burden,give up is liberation20.intention can be rich,life must be simple21.dont bother explaining,you see what you see22.we are all adults,no need to quarrel,may as well not meet each other again.
23.your confusion often has only one reason that is in the year when we should fight with all our might but think too much and do too little24.willingly with the whole world or unwillingly compromise myself25.do nothing make it extreme26.i want so badly to give some class to someone but i cant even take their shit27.pierce heart pierce lung at someone either get a lifelong friend or exchange for a lifetime lesson.
28.the road ahead is long,dont act too arrogant,the future glory cannot be predicted