
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年03月11日
  • 1.任何人工智能都敌不过阁下这款天然傻瓜。 2.不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成长的性格! 3.你觉得全世界都是为你而活的,那我可是个另外。 4.如果你给我的,也同样给了别人,那我宁愿不要。得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话。 5.没理都要争三分,得理为什么要饶人。 6.相信自己才是王道 7.别莫名其妙的惹我,我善妒又易怒,们别往枪口上撞,你这是找死的节奏。 8











10.headache and bloodshed, but any price is better than regret.

11.if you love me, please show your true heart; if not, get out of my world.

12.not talking about love because I am waiting for a lifelong lover.

13.if you are mine, then you can only be mine.

14.hope that this little friend will make you worried and unforgettable.

15.i don't mind changing my appearance, but i won't change my proud spirit even if the world falls apart.

if you haven't experienced my journey, please don't criticize the path i have taken.

16.i am rational, clear-headed, and unyielding.

17.thank you for making me disappointed; once disappointed, there will be no hope left.

18.security comes from within; it depends on how much you love yourself - being full-fed and well-dressed with a charged phone and a wallet always in order before the legendary hero appears.

19.dedication is a burden while giving up is liberation.

20.people are not perfect; happiness is not 100%. we cannot have everything so why ask for everything?

21.intent can be rich while life must be simple.

22.we are all adults; there's no need to argue or fight as long as we avoid each other in old age.

23.your confusion often stems from one reason: at an age when we should work hard to achieve our goals instead of thinking too much and doing too little。

24.rather than compromise myself to fit into someone else's expectations or standards,i would rather stand alone against the entire world。

25.do nothing except make others feel extreme joy or profound sadness towards me.

26.my desire to converse with people has been replaced by an urge to ignore them altogether.

27.show your heart sincerely either as a lifelong friend or as one who brings lessons throughout life.

28.the road ahead stretches far into the future - do not overestimate yourself.
