
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年03月11日
  • 1.任何人工智能都敌不过阁下这款天然傻瓜。2.不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成长的性格!3.你觉得全世界都是为你而活的,那我可是个另外。4.如果你给我的,也同样给了别人,那我宁愿不要。得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话。 5.没理都要争三分,得理为什么要饶人。6.相信自己才是王道7.别莫名其妙的惹我,我善妒又易怒,们别往枪口上撞,你这是找死的节奏。 8.一生太短





11.if you love me, please show me your true heart, if you don't love me then get out of my world12.not talking about love is because i am waiting for someone who can talk about it for a lifetime.

13.if you are mine, then you can only be mine14.i hope this little friend will make you worried and unforgettable15.as long as i have breath in my body, i will not let go of the pride that has been tempered over the years.

16.i am rational, clear-headed and unyielding17.thank you for letting me down, once disappointed then there will be no more hope.

18.safety is not given by others, it depends on how much you love yourself; to eat full meals, wear warm clothes and keep your phone charged - these are all self-love; before the superhero appears to save us from trouble we should learn to cherish ourselves more often.

19.determination is a burden while giving up is liberation20.intention can be rich but life must be simple.

21.i won't bother explaining what I see as reality22.we are all adults so there's no need to argue or fight over petty things - let's just leave each other alone from now on.

23.your confusion usually stems from one reason: at an age where one should work hard with determination but instead thinks too much and does too little24.rather than being enemies with the world I'd rather not compromise myself.

25.do nothing or do something extreme26.i wish to give advice to everyone but I'm tired of their behavior so I won't even try anymore27.take someone's heart out or take their soul out - either way it'll lead to a lifelong friend or a lifelong lesson learned.

28.the road ahead may be long so don't act too arrogant - who knows what future glory awaits us?

