1.你要让我下不了台,我就让你连上台的机会都没有。 2.我看准你时,你就是玻璃杯;我放手时,你就是玻璃渣。 3.我吃我的零食,我长我的肉,关你什么事,你是嫉妒,还是羡慕。 4.人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、礼让三分、一犯再犯、斩草除根。 5.我没你能混,没你好看,但至少我人比你干净。 6.你有多长的头发卷多大的弯,有多大的能耐办多大的事。 7.分手后的他好太沉重,在某种程度上同等于生疏。 8.小荷才露尖尖角,将来长成大馒头! 9.head像最好不要用自己的照片,那样他下线了多不吉利。
11.is my,you better not touch it.Not is my,you just leave it alone.
12.if you want to measure my feelings for you with your grades, then please give me a perfect score.I know that in this world there are people who will talk bad about us behind our backs, but we can't let them change us, we have to keep moving forward no matter what they say.
13.one glance and I fall in love with the clock, not the feeling.The face is so beautiful!I don't care if you're happy or sad as long as you don't bother me.
14.i'm a homebody because i'm too cute to be seen outside for too long.Don't follow me, I'll scare you silly!
15.don't argue with me, I'll frighten you out of your wits!When are you getting married?I'm waiting for the day when i can hold my grandkids!
16.your emotions are cheap,spar them on someone else.I only need two parts self-respect and one part love for myself;if that's how much love i get from others,i won't be satisfied even if they die for me.
17.stop wasting your cheap feelings on me!Give them back to someone who deserves them!I don't smoke but living without smoking is harder than death itself.
18.with a knife in hand,i cannot hugyou;without a knife,i cannot protectyou.Like fish in the sea,you're unnecessary extras,better off swimming away.
19.listening to music still hurts;it's painful and hard to let go.Your tears won't soil my grave where i come back again.Don't ask about me;i live better than you play safer.
20.my hair may look good now,but without confidence,it's nothing like before.Real feelings aren't broken by just a few words;they're worth fighting for.I've mastered the art of eating at buffets:putting food in and taking it out -that's all there is to it.Life ends when fear takes over -the real terror lies within being afraid of dying yourself.Death isn’t scary – it’s being unable to stand up against life that’s truly terrifying.My love may fade but past things should stay buried forever.Stop bothering about what others think – some people aren’t human anyway.Don’t waste time chasing after those unworthy of your attention.Fear lessens when faced head-on,the more evil lurks around us,a colorful array of scoundrels.Be calm and composed when faced with disgusting situations,this world is full of wicked characters.Who cares how many times they speak ill of us?We shouldn’t let their opinions dictate our actions – we must press on regardless!