
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月19日
  • 1.开启花朵盛放的玫瑰,不是绚烂夺目的,而是一片荒凉的景象。2.只有经历过的人,才能深刻感受到美好事物是如何缓缓成长起来的。3.你在星辰点缀的大海中漫步,又在遥远的地方乘风破浪。4.春雨中的落花更显伤心,宁愿珍惜眼前人带来的温暖与快乐。5.当我们仰望那遥远而璀璨的星河时,我们也许会想起那些共同航行的情谊。6.记忆就像一束不开花的蔷薇,它永远不会凋零,也不会随时间流逝而消散。 7.借助一阵清新的风





10.every person's bloom time is different, no need to worry about others getting it first.

11.i confided in the flowers, and they responded with their sweet fragrance that filled the entire alleyway.

12.together with you, i will witness the rare moonlight of this world and sleep through a long night.

13.on the road, we see the world; on our journey, we discover ourselves.

14.without regrets for what has passed, there is only anticipation for what lies ahead.

15.gather all the spring breezes and go watch as new tides emerge in every corner of the sea.

16.may there be moments to look back upon in years to come; may we share our deep love together until old age comes upon us both.

17.all encounters in this world are reunions after a long separation from one another

18.the future unknown by others is something we can remain at peace about so long as everything goes well without incident

19.life's wrinkles require timely ironing out

20.the greatest generosity towards our future is giving everything to live fully in this present moment

21.by day your dawn my dusk your dusk my dawn - always yours

22.you know how beautiful these wilds are because they bloom just for you

23.each step a landscape each thought an ease
