
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月17日
  • 一、Love is a dream that brings real pain.爱情如梦境,带来真实的痛苦。 二、Even in the smallest of spaces, love can find room to grow.在最狭小的角落里,爱情也能找到生长的空间。 三、Your love is like a delicate flower, beautiful yet fragile


一、Love is a dream that brings real pain.爱情如梦境,带来真实的痛苦。

二、Even in the smallest of spaces, love can find room to grow.在最狭小的角落里,爱情也能找到生长的空间。

三、Your love is like a delicate flower, beautiful yet fragile.你的爱,如同脆弱又美丽的小花。

四,A heart that loves too much is sick, but you are life itself.心太软是病,但你就是生命本身。

五,Love's promise is made between the lines of our fingers, intertwined in every crevice.Love ,promised between the fingers 指缝….在爱情下交缠.

六,Dont count on your words to touch his heart; instead, let actions speak louder than words.别指望你的言语能够触动他的心灵;让行动比言语更加明显。

七,Lovely words are spoken with eyes full of emotion.美妙的话语,全在充满感情的眼中流淌。

八,A light of love never fades away; it shines bright and steady throughout one's life。爱是一盏永不熄灭的灯塔,照亮了我们一生的旅途。

九,"I know I love you" - there's no turning back once those three words are spoken."你知道我爱你" — 一旦这三个字被说出,就再无回头之路了

十,"Wherever you go, whatever you do" - my presence will be constant as I wait for your return."无论你去哪里,无论你做什么" — 我将一直等待着你的归来,不离不弃

十一,"We were just kids in love", lost in our own little world."我们曾经只是恋人的孩子们,在自己的小世界里迷失"

十二,"Im about to lose my mind", longing for your return after so long an absence."我快要崩溃了,你离开得太久,我渴望着你的归来"

十三,"Love is a refreshing oasis in this desert called life". 爱情是生活这片沙漠中的清泉,让人得以喘息

十四"Don't crave forever if it means being apart"; true love yearns for closeness rather than distance."如果意味着分离,不奢求永远"; 真挚的情感更渴望亲近,而非遥远

十五"The memories we've shared will stay with me forever", echoing through time like whispers from another era.”我们的回忆将伴随我终生”,仿佛来自另一个时代的声音轻语

十六"I need him more than air to breathe"; without him, even breathing becomes difficult.”我比呼吸空气还需要他”; 没有他,即使呼吸也变得困难重重

17,”Love keeps us warm better than any coat” – it wraps us snugly against the chill of reality.”它比任何外套都能更好地保暖” – 它用温暖包裹住我们,让寒冷现实无法侵蚀内心深处

18,”Can’t bear being apart from you”, not knowing why he pretended to truly care “不能忍受与你分开”,不知道他为何假装深切关怀

19,”Look into my eyes and see what I mean by 'love'” – they hold secrets only known to two hearts.”看看我的眼睛,你会发现‘爱’这个词对我而言意味着什么” -- 只有两个心灵才知晓其中秘密

20,”Wait here until I come back”, patiently holding onto hope while waiting for his return “在这里等待直到我回来”,耐心地握紧希望,期待他的归来

21,”If no one loves us, we forget how to cherish ourselves” – self-love dwindles when external affection falters.”如果没有人愛我們,我們就會忘記如何珍惜自己“– 自愛力隨著外界關懷衰退而减弱

22、“It’s never too late to fall in love again”: new beginnings await around every corner.“愛從未過時:新的開始隨處可尋”

23、“You’re as valuable as cash dispensed from an ATM”, while I am honey sweetened by your touch “当你是我嘴唇上那份甜蜜时,我便像ATM机吐出的金钱一样宝贵”

24,“I eat alone... cry alone... sleep alone: cool indeed!” But then comes the realization that perhaps this solitude isn’t so cool after all… "一个人吃饭,一人哭泣,一人睡觉:真是酷啊!但随后意识到,这种孤独或许并不那么酷..."
