一. 不知道有没有哪只狗会稀罕你这狗屁不是的玩意儿。
二. 别人骂你,你说畜生你骂谁,他若是说话,你便说哦,畜生骂我啊。
三. 你长得挺有创意,活得挺有勇气,丑不是你的本意。
四. 跟一个你喜欢却不喜欢你的人聊天,每句话都能噎死你
五. 别跟我说话,我有洁癖。
六. 你爹倒洗澡水的时候不小心把你脑袋给倒了吧!
七. 肖邦为什么要弹出你的悲伤,你是琴么?
八. 当我看到你时才想到,原来八戒是个帅哥啊!看猪圈里的这不是你大爷吗?
九. 我也不想打击你了。你去动物园看看有没有合适的工作适合youou,you这样在街上乱跑很容易被射杀的。
十. 我看youou挺凶的,要不明天来上班?IQQ农场缺条狗
十一. 你管我。。
十二. 最噎人的是不说话
十七.and youuu have relation with me?
二十.youuu真是不同凡响啊!真是比月全食还稀有,一生能遇到such a rare person like you, my honor!
Twenty-one.your face is so sharp it can cut through steel.
Twenty-two.everytime I look at you, I feel like I'm looking at a dog that has been fed too much and is now bloated.
Twenty-three.the more you talk the more your words become meaningless to me.
Twenty-four.people say that when a man's hair grows long it becomes as thick as an elephant's trunk; but yours must be made of iron wire because no matter how much it grows, it remains as thin as ever!
twenty-five.there are people who are born to be slaves and there are those who are destined to enslave others; which one do you think you belong to?
twenty-six.I don't want to hurt your feelings but if I did say something mean about your appearance or behavior would anyone even notice?
twenty-seven.even though we're not related by blood or marriage, our hearts still beat for each other...and then again maybe they don't beat at all for either of us because we've both lost the will to live after meeting someone like you!