
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月16日
  • 1.如果爱太难,那就独善其身。2.当我开始真正爱自己,我不再继续沉溺于过去,也不再为明天而忧虑,现在我只活在一切正在发生的当下,今天,我活在此时此地,如此日复一日。这就叫“完美”。3.“本就是一个一身戾气黯淡无光的一个人偏要硬装什么阳光人设”4.实在放不下的时候,去趟重症病房或者墓地,你容易明白,你已经得到太多,再要就是贪婪,时间太少,好玩儿的事儿太多,从尊重生命的角度,不必纠缠。5






13.Not to mention that the world cannot make the world better, but it might make you become better after seeing how the world is.

14Love is something that those who understand it well are single.

15The station has two places where people feel most moved: one entrance and one exit.

16In this world, there is neither happiness nor unhappiness; only a comparison between different situations.

17No one understands you? You're upset? Math doesn't get upset either.

18Reading too much changes your appearance naturally, and many times, what you've read becomes nothing more than a fleeting memory; however, they still exist in character, speech, breadth of mind, and possibly in life or writing as well.

19You just be yourself; those who love you will love you too.


21Many relationships end up being nothing more than an acquaintance when all is said and done.

22The psychologist says that ninety percent of those who jump from buildings have their arms broken because they use their hands to block or hug their heads at the moment of impact - a desperate attempt at self-preservation.

23This world needs things without purpose; if everything had meaning, people would suffocate.

24There's always someone whose arrival makes you forgive heaven for all its hardships.

25"Love comes with wind and goes with wind; love is hard to settle down."

26"Don't linger over flowers meant for no one else; just keep moving forward."

27"You are my pink daytime dream forest."
