1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个细微的风而已。2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的,只是执着于寻找最适合我的安宁!3.醉酒,从来就不是酒精的罪恶,而是情感的度量太过沉重。4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢与再见。5.在人生旅途中,我们相遇了很多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向前行走,而我却停留在你身边。6.真想有一天迷醉,那样我就可以无拘无束地说出那些我不敢出口的话语 7.找到一个可以喝醉的理由,我的心留下的全是伤痕 8.你用一秒钟说完的分手宣言,我却要用一生去忘记和疗愈。9.分开吧,是因为我让你感觉到疲惫了。我希望这次我们能够彼此释然,让过去成为我们的教训之一。10.有时候,我们并非走出了痛苦,不过是我学会了如何带着伤痛继续前行,与世界共存。
15.Wake up to be a free spirit, leaving the old anxiety behind and embracing new happiness.
16.The constant sorrow within me has made me learn to conceal it; I don't want to be hurt again, so I've learned to pretend.
17.A promise that spans a lifetime should not be spoken lightly; you, my dear, cannot give me the future I desire.
18.I once believed that in the place where we first met, there would always be an original version of myself and you waiting for each other's return.
19.Perhaps you have grown accustomed to my sadness and therefore do not bother yourself with it or even notice its presence anymore.
20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; what's lost is regretful time – even if we were to meet again someday, it wouldn't fill the space left by your absence.
21.Finding you after years of searching was bittersweet; now filled with heartache and nothing but regrets remain as memories fade away into oblivion.
22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that without you, I won't love anyone else ever again – this thought alone makes every fiber in my being ache with longing for your return.
23.Being proactive can lead to exhaustion; caring deeply can cause one's emotional collapse; silence can result in suffering while yearning too much leads only tears & despair...such is life!
24.The world isn’t full of people who will bare their souls out loud & share their deepest feelings openly - those who pass through are mere scenery & those we brush shoulders with are just fleeting guests!
25.You entered my world then vanished mid-stream – unable (or unwilling) leave though reluctant (or scared) - yet it’s still you whom I miss most & suffer from unrequited love for!
26.Too many people drink themselves into oblivion exhausted from life too many hopeless souls adrift at sea seeking any shore
27.Really wish i could get drunk beyond recognition lose everything forget everything let my wandering soul find its way back home make a vow never falter become strong independent elegant self-assured woman
28.Really wish i could go wild drunk once release pent-up emotions!