
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,生来就是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是生活中的一阵风。 2.从不期望世界能给予我最美好的未来,只是渴望找到属于我的那片天空! 3.醉酒,不再是酒精的罪恶,更是一种情感的极限。 4.青春,是不断告别,也是不断重逢的旅程。 5.在人生的道路上,有许多过客,每个人都有自己的终点,他人向着四方,而我只向你走去。 6.真心希望有一天,我可以大醉,那时我就能无顾忌地对你说出那些藏在心底的话语。













12.I wish to be drunk, not just for the sake of drinking, but to know who I would call out for in my drunken state.

13.I am not afraid of getting drunk; I fear being alone when I am drunk.

14.Love is about constantly thinking of someone and making room for them in your life; it's about giving up your own happiness for their sake.

15.May I wake up one day as a carefree person, forgetting old anxieties and embracing new joys.

16.My heart often feels an inexplicable sadness, so I've learned to hide it; because you don't deserve to be hurt again by me, I've mastered the art of deception.

17.A lifetime's worth of promises should not be spoken lightly; you cannot give me a future that belongs to another person.

18.I used to believe that there was once an original version of myself waiting at our starting point—just like how there could have been an original you too.

19.Maybe you're used to my sorrow now, so you disregard and ignore it without any pity or concern.

20.Not every feeling is worth fighting for; lost time becomes regret no matter how many times we reunite—it can never fill the space left by your absence.

21.Meeting you after years of searching has brought only heartache and regret in its wake.

22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that apart from you, no one else deserves my love anymore.

23.The more actively we show affection or care for someone, the more exhausting it becomes; The more we worry about others' feelings toward us, the more vulnerable we become—and ultimately end up crying alone with nothing but memories left behind

24.Not everyone can open their hearts completely or share their deepest thoughts with each other on this earth—passersby are scenery while strangers are just fleeting guests!

25.You entered my world then suddenly vanished mid-journey—but since it was always going to be me who couldn't bear losing anyone anyway...I remain pained while they move on unscathed.

26.There are countless people who drink themselves into oblivion and get exhausted—their lives full of desperation with nowhere left to turn!

27 Oh! How much do I yearn for a wild drunken spree—a chance simply let go—forget everything—let lost souls return home—and thus resolute: becoming independent strong elegant confident woman!

28 Truly wishing madness-fueled intoxication once—a momentary release from tiredness’ heavy weight!
