
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是个微不足道的风吹而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的结果,只是执着于寻找最适合我的路。 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的过失,而是情感的度量太重。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,仿佛每一次都是新的开始。 5.在人生旅途中,我们遇见了很多过客,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我一直在你的方向前进。 6.真心希望有一天能大醉


1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是个微不足道的风吹而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的结果,只是执着于寻找最适合我的路。 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的过失,而是情感的度量太重。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,仿佛每一次都是新的开始。 5.在人生旅途中,我们遇见了很多过客,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我一直在你的方向前进。 6.真心希望有一天能大醉,那样我就可以肆无忌惮地说出那些我不敢说出口的话语。 7.找一个可以让自己彻底放松、忘却一切痛苦的理由,我留下的全是伤痕累累的心情记忆。 8.你用一分钟轻易地说完分手宣言,我却要用一辈子去努力忘掉那份深刻的情感伤害和遗憾。 9.分手吧,是因为我感到疲惫,也许对你来说,我已经成为了一种负担。我需要勇气面对这一切,让我们彼此解脱开来吧。我想通过这样的方式,为我们的关系画上句号,不再纠缠过去所留下的痛苦回忆。在未来的一段时间里,你将会发现,这个决定对于你也是一个释放。



12.I want to be drunk, not just for the sake of drinking, but to find out who I would call out to when I am under the influence.

13.My fear is not being drunk, but being alone after getting drunk.

14.A person loves you by constantly thinking about you in their heart and making sacrifices for your happiness; a person loves you by giving way to you in everyday life.

15.May I wake up one day as a carefree person, forgetting the old worries and embracing new joys.

16.The sorrow that cannot be concealed will slowly turn into a habit of hiding it; because I don't want to be hurt again, so I learn to pretend.

17.A promise made once in a lifetime should not be spoken lightly; as for me and my future together, it's something only time can tell if we truly have what it takes.

18.I believed that there was an original version of me waiting at our first meeting place – perhaps there was also an original version of you too?

19.Or maybe you've grown accustomed to my sadness and thus ignore or disregard it without even noticing?

20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; losing time is regretful no matter how many times we meet again – the space left behind from losing someone special is impossible to fill with any amount of words or actions.

21.Meeting you took years of searching before finally happening - later on came countless tears filled with pain - now only memories remain as bittersweet nostalgia lingers within me forever more

22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that apart from you, there won't ever be another love like ours

23.Prolonged efforts lead exhaustion; excessive care brings collapse; prolonged silence breeds suffering while longing leads us down paths filled with tears

24.In this world where people rarely share their deepest thoughts openly with one another - those passing through are nothing more than scenery while those brushing shoulders are mere travelers!

25.You entered my world then vanished halfway through leaving behind memories painful enough that both hearts ache yet yearn simultaneously for the same soul!

26.Too many people get lost in drink fatigue exhausted weary souls wandering aimlessly seeking escape routes anywhere they may find them...

27.Dreaming drunkenly away from reality letting go everything including myself finding solace returning home taking refuge seeking solace rest easy knowing independence strength elegance self-confidence await ahead...
