
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,生来就是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是生活中的一阵风。 2.从不期望世界能给予我最美好的未来,只是渴望找到属于我的那片天空! 3.醉酒,不再是酒精的罪恶,更是一种情感的极限。 4.青春,是不断告别,也是不断重逢的旅程。 5.在人生的道路上,有许多过客,每个人都有自己的终点,他人向远方前行,而我却选择向你靠近。 6.真心希望有一天,我能够大醉












11.I thought you were my final destination, but it turned out to be just a turning point.

12.I want to get drunk because I want to know who's name I'll call out when I'm in that state.

13.The fear of getting drunk isn't the alcohol itself, but the fact that no one will be there by my side when I am.

14.Love is not about constantly being mindful of someone or making sacrifices for them; love is about finding comfort and understanding in their presence even during ordinary moments.

15.May I wake up as a carefree person, forgetting old anxieties and embracing new happiness.

16.My emotions are always tinged with sadness, so I've learned to hide them; for fear of being hurt again, I've become good at disguising myself from others' eyes

17.A promise made for a lifetime cannot be uttered lightly; you don't deserve my future anymore

18.I thought there would always be an original me waiting here, just like an original you

19.Perhaps you're already accustomed to my sorrow and therefore ignore it without any pity or concern

20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; the lost time becomes regret after parting ways again

21.Reuniting with you has been a long journey filled with bitterness and regret only leaves memories behind

22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that apart from you, no one else can capture this depth of love within me

23.Mainly because persistence gets tiring eventually , worrying grows heavy , silence turns into suffering while longing leads to tears . This is how we end up such wretched beings

24.The world isn't full of people who open their hearts and souls ; passers-by are merely scenery while those who brush shoulders are mere travelers!

25.You entered my world then left abruptly ; though nobody could leave without shedding tears , they couldn’t bear leaving anyone more than i did! The pain was mine alone!

26.Many have drunk themselves into oblivion ; many have grown weary ; many many people find themselves at dead ends

27!I really wish i could get thoroughly intoxicated once - forget everything - let astray heart return home – thereafter resolute – become independent - strong- elegant - confident woman!

28!I really wish i could go crazy once & let loose – relax tired hearts!
