1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个轻微的不适。2.从不奢求生活能给予我最完美,只是执着于寻找最适合我的平衡!3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的罪恶,而是情感的度量过高。4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢和期待。5.在这漫长的人生旅途中,我们有许多过客,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我却只能一直走向你。6.真想有一天能够深夜醉酒,那样我就可以无忌无惧地对你说那些我不敢吐露的话语 7.找到一个可以让心灵释放痛苦的理由,我的伤口留下了所有的记忆 8.你用一分钟说完分手宣言,我却要用一辈子去忘记那份痛苦和失落。9.分手吧,是因为我知道这样会让你感觉更自由一些。我愿意为你的快乐而牺牲自己的幸福。但请不要误解,这并非是我不爱你,只是我已经学会如何勇敢地面对孤独与失落。10.有时候,我们并不真正走出了伤害,不过是在心灵深处学会了继续前行,带着往昔的一切故事和情感。在这个过程中,我也学到了如何变得更加坚强,无论未来如何变化,都不会再被过去的情感所束缚。我希望自己能成为一个既温柔又坚韧的人,既能够感受爱情的美好,又能够承受生活中的困难与挑战。
11.I believed you were my final destination, but it turns out you were only a turning point in my life's journey.
12.I want to get drunk because I want to know who I'll be calling out for when I'm under the influence.
13.I'm not afraid of getting drunk; I'm afraid of being alone when I do.
14.Loving someone means always thinking about them and making sacrifices for their sake, even in the smallest ways.
15.May tomorrow bring a carefree heart that has let go of past worries and embraced new joys.
16.My heart is prone to melancholy, so I've learned to hide it from others; otherwise, they might hurt me again.
17.A promise made once shouldn't be spoken lightly; you can't give me the future you promised me now.
18.I thought there would always be an original version of both us at our first meeting place - just as we once were before life took its toll on us and changed us forever.
19.Or maybe you're used to my sadness now, so you don't bother with it anymore or pay attention.
20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; losing time is regrettable - even if we meet again someday, the space without you will still remain unbridgeable.
21.Meeting you after searching for years was bittersweet - full of pain and disappointment.
22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that no one else will ever love like this again.
23.The more active we become in pursuing what matters most, the more exhausted we feel; caring deeply leads only to collapse; silence results in guilt while longing causes tears - until eventually everything becomes unbearable.
24.The world isn't filled with people who pour out their hearts and souls like friends sharing confidences - passersby see landscapes while strangers brush shoulders against each other.
25.You entered my world but left abruptly before deciding whether or not stay longer... yet ultimately could not bear leaving either way: your departure pained me as much as mine did.
26.Many people drink themselves into oblivion, many grow weary without any escape route
27.True happiness comes from letting go completely – forgetting everything – allowing myself return home safely – then standing firm – independent – strong – elegant – confident
28.Truly wanting a wild drunkenness spree just once -- releasing pent-up emotions & feelings