
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个风而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最好的,只是执着于寻求最适合我的心灵角落! 3.醉酒,从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是情感的温度太高。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,每一次都是对未来的期待。 5.人生路上过客很多,每个人都有各自的起点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我一直在你的方向前进。 6.真想有一天彻底喝醉


1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个风而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最好的,只是执着于寻求最适合我的心灵角落! 3.醉酒,从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是情感的温度太高。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,每一次都是对未来的期待。 5.人生路上过客很多,每个人都有各自的起点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我一直在你的方向前进。 6.真想有一天彻底喝醉,那样我就可以无忌惮地对你说那些我不敢出口的话语,直至深夜里,你听不见我的声音。我会用这份沉默去证明,我曾经爱过你,就像星光下的一抹孤独。 7.找一个能够让我彻底放松的理由,我的心留下的全是我所有的情愫和痛楚,不愿意让它们随风而散。 8.你用一分钟说完了分手宣言,我却要用一辈子去忘记那段无法挽回的过去,让它成为往昔的一部分。在未来的日子里,我们或许不会再相遇,但请相信,在某个清晨,你可能会醒来发现自己已经习惯了没有他的世界,这才是真正的人生历练。



11.I thought you were my destination, but it turned out to be only a turning point in the journey of life.

12.I want to get drunk because I want to know whose name I will call out when I am intoxicated.

13.My fear is not getting drunk, but being alone after getting drunk with no one by my side.

14.Love can make us remember someone all the time and give way to them in everyday life; love can also let go of someone at any moment without hesitation.

15.Hopefully, when I wake up, I'll become a carefree person who forgets old worries and finds new happiness.

16.The sorrow that naturally arises is gradually learned to conceal; because we don't want to be hurt again, we learn to pretend.

17.A promise for a lifetime cannot be spoken lightly; you cannot give me a future filled with hope and dreams.

18.I always believed that there would be an original version of me waiting somewhere, just like an original version of you as well – perhaps we could meet again someday and relive those memories from long ago.

19.Or maybe you have grown accustomed to my sadness so much that you are no longer bothered or concerned about it?

20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; what's lost is regret for the wasted time – even if we meet again someday, it won't fill the space left by your absence.

21.Met you after years of searching – full of heartache later on – only regrets remain now as memories fade away into thin air.

22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that apart from you, there won't be anyone else for me ever again.

23.Prolonged effort leads to exhaustion; concern leads to despair; silence leads to suffering; longing leads only tears… such was our story.

24.In this world not everyone can bare their souls mutually through intimate conversations - passersby are landscapes while brushing shoulders means meeting strangers!

25.You entered my world then vanished halfway through - leaving behind only regretful people like me who still yearn for them - hearts breaking too

26.Too many people drink themselves under the table exhausted & helpless with nowhere else turn

27.Really wish drunkenly wild once more: forgetting everything & letting wandering hearts find their way back home from which they began anew: resolute strong elegant confident women

28.Would really enjoy going completely mad drunk once: releasing pent-up feelings
