
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是个微不足道的风吹而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的结果,只是执着于寻找最适合我的方向! 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的过失,而是情感的度量太深。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,犹如梦中游走在幻想与现实之间。 5.人生路上过客众多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我独自前行,直至遇见你那颗温暖的心灵港湾。 6


1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是个微不足道的风吹而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的结果,只是执着于寻找最适合我的方向! 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的过失,而是情感的度量太深。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢,犹如梦中游走在幻想与现实之间。 5.人生路上过客众多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我独自前行,直至遇见你那颗温暖的心灵港湾。 6.真心希望有一天能够大醉,那样我就可以肆无忌惮地对你说那些我一直不敢吐露的话语,让我们的内心世界像一场盛大的狂欢一样放纵、释放和解脱。 7.找一个足够强大的理由,让我的伤痛成为过去,我留下的只会是一片宁静的大海,无尽的回忆与永恒的记忆。 8.你的分手宣言虽短暂,却让我沉浸在思念之中,一瞬间成为了漫长的一生。我将用这份时间去忘却你的影子,用每一次呼吸去抚慰那被遗忘的心房。这份爱,就像一座城堡,在岁月长河中慢慢崩塌,但它依旧坚不可摧,因为它承载了我们共同的人生篇章。



11.my dear, 我以为你是我生命旅途上的终极目的,但似乎只是一个转折点。你离去了吗?还是还未准备好迎接下一次相遇?

12.i wish i could get drunk enough to let out all the words i've been holding back for so long, just to know whose name I would call out in my drunken state.

13.i am not afraid of being drunk; it's the thought of being alone after getting drunk that scares me most.

14.to love someone is to always remember them in your heart and give way to them even in everyday moments.

15.may i wake up one day as a carefree person, forgetting old anxieties and embracing new joys.

16.slowly but surely, I have learned to suppress my innate sadness because I do not want anyone else to hurt me again; thus began the art of pretence – a veil over my true self, hiding from prying eyes.

17.promises made for life should not be uttered lightly; you cannot provide for my future with such ease

18.perhaps you are accustomed to my melancholy and hence ignore or disregard it without much thought

19.not all emotions are worth fighting for; lost opportunities become time's regret – even if we meet again someday, the void left by your absence will remain unfilled

20.meeting you was like searching for something precious only to find bitter memories later on

21.my heart tells me that there will be no other love besides you after our goodbyes

22.the more people try hard at things they care about, the more exhausted they become until eventually collapsing under their own weight; silence turns into an unbearable burden while longing becomes nothing but tears falling down endlessly

23.someone once said that "the world isn't full of people who can pour their hearts out", those passing by are merely scenery while strangers brushing shoulders are fleeting encounters

24.you burst into my world only to leave halfway through – though reluctant – leaving behind only one who yearns: myself suffering from unrequited love and pained by separation

25.in this vast world where many roam aimlessly seeking solace in shared stories yet never truly connecting with others' souls,

26.there are too many people who drink themselves into oblivion or succumb helplessly before realizing there is nowhere left turn
