
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个细微的风而已。2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的,只是执着于寻找最适合我的安宁!3.醉酒,从来就不是酒精的罪责,而是情感的度量太过沉重。4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢与再见。5.在人生旅途中,我们相遇又分离,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我只想跟随你的脚步。6.真心希望有一天,我可以大醉一场





12.I wish to get drunk, not just for the sake of drinking, but to find out who I would be calling out for in my drunken state.

13.My fear is not being drunk alone, but being forgotten by those who once knew me.

14.Love is about remembering someone in your heart and making room for them in your life; it's about cherishing the moments you share together.

15.May I wake up one day as a carefree person, leaving behind the old anxieties and embracing new joys.

16.Slowly but surely, I've learned to hide my sorrow from others; it's not that they don't care or notice, but sometimes even their presence can be a painful reminder of what we once had.

17.A promise made cannot be easily broken; you are unable to give me a future filled with hope and dreams.

18.I thought there would always be an original version of us waiting at our starting point – an unchanging love story that could never fade away.

19.Perhaps you have grown accustomed to my melancholy and therefore ignore it without giving it much thought or attention.

20.Not all emotions are worth fighting for; lost opportunities become regrets when time passes by, no matter how many times we may meet again.

21.The encounter was long-awaited yet ended up full of sorrow and regret – now only memories remain as reminders of what could have been if only we were given another chance.

22.Leaving is hard because my heart tells me that after you're gone, there won't be anyone else worthy enough to capture its affection ever again.

23.Caring too much exhausts us emotionally while silence brings suffering psychologically; longing deeply leads to tears uncontrollably falling down our cheeks – such is the pain we endure silently before eventually breaking free from these shackles holding us back.

24.Not everyone can bare their souls openly like confidants should do; most people pass through each other's lives like scenery on a journey without truly connecting with one another – this reality hurts more than any physical wound does.

25.You entered my world then vanished halfway through our journey together – though others might leave without hesitation or regretful glances over their shoulders towards those they left behind.

26.The world has seen countless people drown themselves in alcohol and exhaustion due to having nowhere else left to turn

27.Drinking until oblivion sounds so appealing right now: letting go of everything including memories associated with past sorrows so as regain strength & become strong independent woman

28.Fantasizing about getting utterly drunk & forgetting all troubles!
