2020微信朋友圈经典伤感说说 爱情伤感说说深有体会的那种

  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 数据驱动:网易云音乐最虐心的句子 1.我们的故事,以我打扰开始,以我多余结束。我们在这个世界上,总是在不经意间碰撞,却又无法长久相守。 2.我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海;我会一直爱,即使风景都尘埃。我用坚持和爱,将沉默中的情感化作最真挚的对话。 3.他没有错,只是没有爱我很久,只是没有为我停留,只是爱的不是时候,只是没有陪我到最后。在这段关系中,我们每个人都是被时间定义的角色。 4

2020微信朋友圈经典伤感说说 爱情伤感说说深有体会的那种











10.my heart once was a solitary island, barren of all life, but after you came, the flowers bloomed and the trees flourished.I never thought that my cold and distant self could be warmed by someone else's presence.

11.Wanting to make you jealous yet afraid to wish you happiness at the same time – this is how I feel in our relationship.

12.Everyone who can't learn how to break up will meet someone they can't be with; it's so painful not to let go and so tiring to insist on staying together.

13.As we walk away from each other, memories fade away like scattered leaves; as we gaze into the distance, stars dim out one by one; as we listen closely, reality dawns on us; only when I turn back do I realize that you're no longer here – suddenly everything becomes chaotic for me.

14.Don't be too obedient or accommodating – don't do things you dislike or pretend not to hear them just because others expect it from you – your life isn't meant for pleasing others but for treating yourself well.

15.Since we can embrace each other without hesitation, why should we ever let go?

16.Sometimes I'm quite impressed with myself for swallowing down a bellyful of words and heartache without complaint... except saying one thing: "Okay!"

17.The more leniently people are treated by someone, the more demanding they become in their expectations.The less willing people are to compromise in their relationships.

18.If I no longer care about anything or anyone anymore perhaps I won’t feel any pain either.

19.I've given up expecting anything from him now.

20.Time flies like sand between fingers - left hand holds onto fleeting glory while right hand carries off drifting smoke of past cities.

21.No matter how strong someone may seem there will always be something that hurts them deeply.

22.Strangers only see results while others suffer through hardships alone.

23.One day,you'll vanish from my world without a trace and i'll lose contact with yours too forevermore

24.In future,i'll only treat two kinds of people kindly : those who treat me well ,and those who understand my kindnesses . In this brief lifetime,a person's warmth is limited — cannot afford waste

25.To act nonchalantly is the best revenge anyway.Life gets better for oneself alone—no need prove anything nor show love towards unworthy individuals

26.Love fully invest yourself warmly when loving—and leave quietly if needed—with dignity forward marching—such an independent liberating cool departure—the “love” detached free-flowing type-you don’t know what’s so awesome about it

27.You promised me everything but gave nothing—I committed nothing yet gave all mine

28.From strangers unknown till strangers unrecognizable—a story gone by owes me a word cherish

29Had i been bold enough earlier maybe outcomes would differ.Hadst thou held fast perhaps reminiscence wouldn’t hurt
