
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年02月10日
  • 1.有些人,生来就是你生命中的毒瘤,而有些人不过是生活中的一阵风。 2.从不期望世界能给予我最美好的未来,只是渴望找到属于我的小确幸! 3.醉酒,不再是酒精的过失,更像是情感的极限值高了。 4.青春,是不断地告别,也是不断地重逢。 5.在人生的旅途中,路过的人很多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向四面八方,我却向你走去。 6.真心希望有一天可以大醉,那时我就能无忌惮地说出那些我平日里不敢说的话语。















14.one love, one care; one in the heart, one in the way.

15.hope to wake up as a carefree person, forget old worries and embrace new happiness.

16.always feeling an inexplicable sadness, thus learning to conceal it; because I don't want to be hurt again, so I learn to pretend.

17.a promise for a lifetime cannot be spoken lightly; you, can't give me my future.

18.thought that at the beginning place there would be an original me and an original you waiting for each other.

19.maybe you've grown accustomed to my sorrow and therefore ignore it without any pity or concern.

20.not all emotions are worth fighting for; losing time is regrettable even if we meet again later – it won't fill the space left by your absence.

21.meeting you after searching for so long only leaves me with regretful memories of our past encounters.

22.I don't want to say goodbye because my heart tells me that besides you, I won't love anyone else ever again.

23.too much effort will make us tired; too much attention will lead us astray; too much silence will punish us; too much longing will bring tears – this is how we end up like this.

24.the world isn’t full of people who open their hearts and souls to each other – passersby are scenery while those who brush shoulders are mere guests!

25.you entered my world but abandoned it halfway through – when it's time to leave someone behind or bear pain alone, that someone is always me with a heavy heart.

26.so many people get drunk and exhausted as they have nowhere else to turn

27.really wish I could get drunk once morelessly lose myself in memories let go of everything return home from exhaustion become independent strong elegant confident women forevermore!

28.truly wish i could go wild once relax my fatigued spirit
