1.有些人,注定是你生命中的毒药,而有些人不过是个风而已。 2.从不奢求生活能给予我最美好的,只是执着于寻求最适合我的! 3.喝醉,从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是情感的度量太深。 4.青春是不停地告别,也是不停地重逢。在这个过程中,我学会了如何在痛苦与快乐之间找到平衡。 5.人生路上过客很多,每个人都有各自的终点,他人向东向西向南向北,而我只会向你走去,无论何时何地。我想知道,当我迷失方向时,你会不会像灯塔一样照亮我的前行之路?6真想有一天喝醉,那样我就可以肆无忌惮地说出那些让我内心颤抖却又无法说出口的话语。7找一个可以喝醉的理由,我的心留下的全是伤痕和记忆。我希望有一天能够勇敢地面对这些伤痕,让它们成为成长的一部分。
15.hope to wake up as a carefree person, forget the old unease and embrace new happiness.I believe that with each new day comes an opportunity for healing, for growth, and for rediscovering our true selves.
16.totally unable to resist the sorrowful emotions within me; thus I gradually learned how to conceal them; because I do not wish to be hurt again, so I have been learning how to disguise myself in this world of masks and deception.
17.a lifetime's worth of promises should never be spoken lightly; you cannot give me my future.I am but a mere mortal, while you hold the power over my destiny.
18.thoughts linger on what could have been at those initial moments when we first met; perhaps there was once a more authentic version of both you and me waiting patiently by the side of time.
19.perhaps you've grown accustomed to my sorrow since then - it seems uninteresting or unworthy of your attention now.Your indifference is like a cold wind blowing through my soul, leaving only regret in its wake.
20.not all emotions are worth clinging onto; losing out is simply time's remorse - even if we were meant to meet again someday, filling the void left by your absence would still prove impossible for me.
21.in search of you across countless years before finally meeting only filled my heart with bitter longing and lingering regret after our parting.The memories remain etched within me like scars from past wounds that refuse to heal completely
22.I don't want say goodbye because in this moment when everything fades away except one name echoing through eternity - yours - I realize that no other love will ever replace what we shared together: mine alone belongs solely to you
23.to be constantly preoccupied can lead one down paths fraught with exhaustion & despair; it becomes increasingly difficult not just emotionally but also physically bearing weight upon weary shoulders & heavy hearts
24.the world isn't made up entirely of people who can bare their souls openly nor share intimate thoughts freely many passersby are merely scenery passing us by without pause
25.you entered into my world yet abandoned it midstream leaving behind someone who regrets your departure & someone whose pain remains unresolved
26.so many people drink themselves under until they're lost beyond recognition exhausted till they crumble helpless as leaves blown about without direction