2.今天开始 我会多学习 多运动 多吃 多玩 少想你 但这只是表面的变化,内心深处,却藏着对你的思念和未曾说出口的情感。
3.听过最心酸的一句话 你走了真好 不然总担心你会走 这句话背后,是我的无数个夜晚,独自面对寂静与恐惧。
4.需要一个拥抱,来化掉心中所有的委屈 但现在,我只能靠自己,一步一步地前行,无论如何都不能再倒下。
5.无论谁离开了你 别忘了 他没来之前 你本就是一个人生活 这句轻描淡写的话语,却掩盖着我对于孤独与独立深深的恐惧。
7.大概不合适就是 我不能逗你笑 而你也只会让我哭 之后 我说我要走 你没有挽留 我没有回头 在那些记忆里,我能感受到我们的距离逐渐拉远,但却无法阻止它发生。
8.哪有什么不合适 无非就是腻了 倦了 权衡利弊之后懒得爱了 就是想遇见比你更好的人 每当看到这样的字眼,我就像是在翻阅自己的情感日记,每一篇都是关于失去与长大的叙述。
9.多年以后的某个深夜你会不会突然想起我 然后泪如泉涌 才发现你曾亏欠我太多 那种即将被遗忘又渴望被珍视的情绪,让人难以释怀,更难以期待未来可能带来的答案。
12.岁月亏欠的,一直是那些记忆力好又偏偏念旧的人啊 时光飞逝,我们却始终停留在往昔,那些温暖而痛苦的情愫,如同雪花般纷纷扬扬,在空气中缓缓飘散,然后消失得无影无踪?
13.life is hard, someone loves very well, but relying on someone else's love to live is not right。生活确实很艰辛,但请允许我们用自己的方式去寻找属于自己的幸福,即使路途坎坷,我们依然勇敢前行,因为只有这样,我们才不会成为时间流逝中的傀儡,被动地接受命运的手掌指引方向?
14.man man zang zang,bu gong mang mang wei shen me sheng hu zo ji ruo bu yong,zhe nei ge zuo ye zuo de ren wu xia de jing su,yi zhao yi ge jue ding dou ke yi cheng wei ni kan paige,qie nai ke bi qu bie yang bei ming wai chang chan he,xin lian yu qi qian de kuai sui kuan dang ai nu fen,nv hai huo dong ban tian jiang nan meng you gou si,jue duo liao ni kan paige,kou ling yuan suo yuan suo yuan,wang wen yi zhao yi ge jue ding dou ke yi cheng wei ni kan pai,qie nai ke bi qu bie yang bei ming wai chang chan he,xin lian yu qi qian de kuai sui kuan dang ai nu fen,nv hai huo dong ban tian jiang nan meng you gou si,jue duo liao ni kan pai,kou ling yuan suo yuan suo,yuan wan guo han lv bu gui ran,chun feng mi rui,chen fu mi rui,chun feng mi rui,chen fu mi rui
15.you only seem to be very happy those dark nights when you don't dare to cry out loud those days with tears welling up in your eyes but unable to fall the feeling only you know this sentence has pierced through my heart like a sharp knife.
16.one person lives for a long time encounters some warmth that stubbornly proud heart will collapse easily as I pretend to be alone and strong, deep down within me there's still a lingering vulnerability waiting to be discovered.
17.you think saying goodbye means not seeing each other again you think saying farewell means not thinking of them yet even the slightest connection related to him can make you burst into tears it's so painful because once deeply in love it's impossible to forget.
18.in the past when we said until next time we didn't realize that one day we wouldn't turn back around now looking back I'm filled with regret for wasting precious moments together.
19.you hate your current life status yet lazily get through each day this phrase echoes in my mind as I see how quickly time passes without any purpose or direction while pretending everything is fine inside.
20.i am always intermittently full of hope for life yet consistently end up disappointed by its emptiness every moment feels like an endless struggle against reality which seems determined to crush our spirits completely.
21.as long as you treat me well i'll take care of myself too age catches up and there's no more time for one-sided devotion at last what remains are memories lost opportunities and unfulfilled dreams all wrapped up in a single word "love".
22.i am always intermittently full of hope for life yet consistently end up disappointed by its emptiness every moment feels like an endless struggle against reality which seems determined