
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月30日
  • 1.我习惯了,这个词汇强大到可以掩盖所有复杂的情绪。2.你其实不需要对我如此冷淡,我也不会再去追求那些纠缠不清的关系。3.不是说放下你难,而是我除了爱你,似乎就没有其他事情要做了。4.事实上,没有什么是不能放手的。随着时间的流逝,当你回望过去,你会发现,那些以为无法释怀的事物,只是生命中的一个跳板,让我们成长起来。5.总是在安静时光里过度思考,然后莫名其妙地感到不开心。这就是我的问题。6





10.don't compare yourself to others and settle for mediocrity.

11.my previous love experiences have been nothing compared to you, as you are the first one I've truly loved, and I fear that my efforts might not be enough for your standards of love.

12.lost in love? well, at least movies are better now, wine tastes sweeter, even listening to songs feels like writing a story about you.

13.you don't need to understand every person because each one treats you differently too.

14.i apologize for unilaterally developing feelings for you without permission.

15.still too sensitive and caring about others' actions then over-analyzing them, creating unnecessary drama within myself.

16.if i had the chance again, i would still choose to fall deeply in love with you without hesitation.

17.your wonderful personality must have been through many hardships before this moment...right?

18.to love someone is like loving a mountain; it's something beautiful yet impossible to move or change - all we can do is walk by it and fight for our beloved ones along the way.

19.to me loving someone is similar: it's something beautiful but impossible to change or remove from existence; all we can do is walk past them and fight for those we care about.

20.the person i fell in love with doesn't belong to me anymore...at least let me cherish this fleeting memory of being together with them once upon a time when they were mine.

21.i want so much more than just seeing your face - even if it means standing far away from what could have been

22.feelings that aren't tangible are probably just not there; stop guessing & assume otherwise

23.i'm unable to move forward but unwillingly stuck here either...

24.in reality,you'll only find true affection towards people who genuinely care about your well-being throughout life

25.no matter what gifts you give me - whether they're sharp knives or poisonous pills - i will gladly accept whatever fate has in store
