11.my previous love was never about anyone else, you are the first one I have ever loved, and I fear that I may not be good enough for you to understand what it means to truly love.
12.Losing someone is great; movies become more enjoyable, wine tastes better, and even listening to songs feels like writing a story for them.
13.You don't need to understand everyone because each person's perception of you will differ as well.
14.I'm sorry for my sudden affection without permission - it wasn't right of me.
15.I am still too sensitive and care too much about others' actions, then exaggerate them endlessly in my mind, creating unnecessary drama for myself.
16.If given another chance, I would unhesitatingly choose to love you again.
17.Your kind nature must have been hurt by many people before; they deserved better than someone like me who can only offer words of comfort but no real action or support.
18.Loving someone is like loving a mountain - you can admire its beauty but cannot move it away; all we can do is walk towards it and strive for the ones we cherish in our lives.
19.The same applies here: loving someone is like loving a mountain - you can admire its beauty but cannot move it away; all we can do is walk towards it and strive for the ones we cherish in our lives.
20.The person I liked didn't belong to me anyway; at least I got close enough to feel their warmth briefly.
21.I want to see your face once more...I'll stand far away from you.
22.Feeling something that isn't there doesn't count as love - stop guessing or pretending.
23.Forward progress isn't within reach while backward steps are hard let go.
24.In reality, there aren't many people who truly care about us throughout our entire life.
25.As long as those things come from your hand - whether they're sharp knives or deadly poison - I'll accept them with gratitude.
26.When every joke on Weibo fails to make you laugh despite my best efforts...that's when I realize how little affection exists between us.
27.Don't give up easily; after all, nothing has been accomplished yet — let's start anew if needed.
28.you deserve so much better than what i could ever give!