1.我习惯了,这个词汇强大到可以掩盖所有复杂的情绪。2.你其实不需要对我保持冷淡,我也不会再去追求你了。3.我并非无法放下你,而是除了爱着你,别无他法。4.事实上,没有什么东西是绝对不能放手的。当时间流逝,你回首时,你会发现,那些曾以为无法释怀的事物,只是成长道路上的跳板,让你变得更强大。5.总是在安静的时候沉思过多,然后莫名其妙地感到不快乐。6.现在开始真正地爱自己,吃自己喜欢的食物,穿自己喜好的衣物,即使别人不知道如何珍惜自己,也不要担心他们会爱上你。7.给时间一点点时间,让过去成为过去,让新的开始展开。你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会高兴地说出来。8.别因为始终陪伴你的那个人而感到厌烦,也不要陪伴那些总是嫌弃你的人的时候。我从未在乎过任何人,但唯独为你的出现而动容,现在即便面对失意,我也能挺过去!9。我之前没有真心爱过任何人,你是我第一个遇到的对象。我害怕做得不好,以至于让你觉得这份情感微不足道。不管怎样,都不会改变我的选择——选择了喜欢一个人,就要全力以赴,不留遗憾10。在失恋后,生活变得更加美好,因为电影看起来更有趣,红酒喝起来更香醇连听歌都像是为我们编写了一段故事11。你也不必深入了解每一个人,因为每个人对待我们的方式都不同12.Love is a many-splendored thing; even in the pain of a breakup, there can be beauty and joy to be found—like enjoying a movie or sipping wine more than usual, or finding solace in music13。你并不需要理解每一个人的行为,因为每个人对待你的方式都不尽相同14.I have secretly fallen for you without permission, I'm sorry about that15.Yet still too sensitive, too much attention paid to others' actions and then exaggerated endlessly, creating endless drama for oneself16.If given the chance again, I would unhesitatingly choose to love you17.You are such an amazing person; it's clear that you've been through a lot of hardships18 Loving someone is like loving a mountain—you can look at it but cannot move it; all you can do is walk past it and strive for the one you love19 Loving someone is like loving a mountain—you can look at it but cannot move it; all you can do is walk past it and strive for the one you love20.The person I loved doesn't belong to me anymore—but at least I got to sleep with them21.I want to see your face even if we're far apart22.Feeling something not present as love—that's just not being genuine with yourself20.As long as what they give us—whether sharp knives or poisonous pills—I will gladly accept them23.Going further isn't an option while retreating feels impossible24.In reality, there are very few people who truly care about us throughout our lives25.No matter how hard life gets or how difficult things become—as long as they come from your hands—the pain may sting now but eventually heal26.When every joke on Weibo fails to make you laugh, that's when I know...you don't truly care27.Don't give up! You have nothing anyway—a fresh start awaits!