
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月30日
  • 1.我习惯了,这个词汇强大到可以掩盖一切复杂情感。2.你无需过分冷漠,我也不会再纠缠你。3.我并非无法放下你,而是除了爱你,我的世界便寂寞无尽。4.事实上,没有什么东西是不能释怀的,只要时间一长,你会发现那些曾以为难以割舍的东西,仅是一段成长旅程中不可或缺的一刻。5.总是在宁静时沉浸于深思,那些莫名其妙的不快便自然而然地涌现。6.现在开始好好关爱自己,享受那些自己喜爱的事物,即使别人未必理解




11.my first love is you I'm afraid I might not do it right and make you feel like love is nothing.

12.Losing someone can be wonderful; movies become more enjoyable, wine tastes better, even listening to songs feels like writing a story for them.

13.You don't need to understand every person because each one treats you differently as well.

14.I apologize for my sudden fondness towards you without your permission.

15.I am still too sensitive, too concerned about others' actions and constantly exaggerate them in my mind, creating unnecessary drama for myself.

16.If given the chance to relive our time together, I would unhesitatingly choose to love you again.

17.With such a kind nature, I imagine that person has suffered greatly at the hands of others.

18.Loving someone is like loving a mountain - though we may gaze upon it from afar but cannot move it; all we can do is walk past it and strive for the one we hold dear in our hearts

19.The same goes with loving someone who's as unmovable as a mountain - though we may gaze upon them from afar but cannot move them; all we can do is walk past them and strive for the one we hold dear in our hearts

20.The person I have feelings for does not belong to me yet since they are familiar enough that even their presence brings comfort after parting ways with another loved one

21.I yearn to see your face again Even if it means standing far away

22.A feeling that isn't tangible must mean there was no true affection at play; let's stop guessing or pretending then

23.I lack the courage to take things further But hesitate just as much when considering giving up on what could have been

24.In reality, people truly good towards us are rare encounters throughout life 25.Any gift from you - whether sharp knives or deadly poison - will be gratefully accepted by me
