1.美丽的一天让我过得如此糟糕,是我错了还是今天不够美?2.我们可以失望,但不能盲目地迷失。3.幸福始终充满着裂痕和瑕疵。4.可能快乐太过单纯,所以容易被轻易打破!5.该笑的时候没有真正的快乐,该哭泣的时候没有眼泪,該相信的时候没有坚定的诺言。6.我微笑,在任何我难过或快乐时刻,我只剩下这份坚持的微笑。7.如果有过幸福,那些片段只是生命中短暂而微不足道的一瞬间,一小段、一小段。8.如果人生是一场旅程,快乐与悲伤就像是那两条永远相随的铁路,在我身后悄无声息地延伸开来。9.站在生活的高峰俯瞰平凡,人生就像一部情景剧;站在地面看向星空,为谁辛劳,为谁忙碌!10.我不想成为你生命中的一个插曲,只希望能成为你最完美、最珍贵的结局……11.突然意识到自己是被操控的一个木偶,我演绎了世间所有的情感波动,却无法摆脱背后的细腻丝线…12.some things aren't about your efforts being insufficient, but about a lack of determination and perseverance.
13.Life is a story full of regrets because she never gives you the chance to correct your mistakes! 14.My happiness is made up of tiny joys in life.
15.Anything can become simple if you do it with an open heart and willingness.
16.The fleeting moments are so short-lived yet they last forever.
17.Sometimes emotions are just something personal, unrelated to anyone else's feelings or opinions.
18.Pain is often inflicted by others as a form of humiliation; it's our own illusion that makes us believe in its existence!
19.I am probably just like a bird, always on guard and rarely willing to settle down, so I keep flying from place to place.
20.My world is one of silence and solitude, unable to accommodate anyone else's presence.
21.Some say love has no opposite in hate but rather indifference - the state where someone ceases to occupy any space within our hearts or minds without leaving behind any trace or emotion - no regret nor longing either way; only the absence that remains.
22.If you know for sure how this story will end, then choose wisely between revealing it all or keeping silent about it; for sometimes choosing not to speak out does more harm than telling the truth ever could have done.
23.Walking through mountains high and low underfoot; traversing storms raging above while still searching around below; acquiring some gains at great loss too many drops shed away along the way... important as we strive for joy!
24.Leaving isn't driven by winds chasing after leaves nor trees holding on tightly; instead it's fate arranging matters naturally through choice — what comes must come & go must go — sometimes parting ways doesn’t signify an end but another beginning!
25.Even hugs hold strange mysteries: though so close yet unseen faces remain hidden from each other’s gaze
26.Marrying marks the grave site where love goes extinct unless left unwed when love dies without burial ground