
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月14日
  • 1.昨日我深爱你,今日不愿再爱,但明朝醒来,我知最爱之人仍是你。 2.其实我这般自私又懒惰,不愿麻烦他人,同时也怕被他人求助的人,大多数时刻,我渴望独自生活于世间,这虽然孤寂,却轻松自由;剩下的少数时刻,我有些想与你同在。 3.若你不美丽,我或许带你逛街看电影享受西餐散步赏星辰月亮,从诗词歌赋谈到生命哲学,可你的魅力如此夺目,让我只想与你恋爱。 4.想要把突如其来的念头倾诉给你,但又犹豫











10.you come over, I have something to talk about with you.

11.long night, no sleep in my heart, let's chat instead.

12.it has been a long time since we last met; I miss you very much, haha.

13.i want to be super cool, but if i'm talking to you, i can be not so cool for a little while longer.

14.i will buy a piece of land from you and put it on your head.

what kind of land should i buy?

a piece of land where i can die for you.

can i call you "you"?

that way, i can put you in my heart.

do you know what the number 1-10 means?

i love thinking about you at the 10th minute every day.

i like being with you at the 9th level.

please give me an 8; give me all your love at once

i won't break your trust at the third level;

my heart is only for one person - that's how much i love him!

15.are you tired this morning?

16.how do you know? because yesterday night,

you were running around in my mind nonstop!

17.i like these four characters stuck in my intestines;

they've turned back and forth inside me,

fallen down several times before crawling up to my throat,

then start trembling and slide down to my mouth again;

they change faces and disguise themselves as "you."

what are they doing?

18.will they play piano?


20.then how did they make your heartstrings vibrate?
