
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月13日
  • 1.做人当自强,不求他人帮忙,只要自己努力,就能在生活的道路上走得更远。脚下的路无人指引,心中的伤需要自己去愈合;风雨过后的人生,没有人替你成长,你只有通过不断的经历和学习,才能变得更加坚韧。 2.流泪后的眼睛更为明亮,因为每一次的泪水都是对过去的一次释放,让心灵更加清新;而那些因为痛苦而加深的心灵,也让我们变得更加坚强。 3.所谓希望,不过是命运给予我们的选择,无论它多么微小











10.time, let time pass by, let the past remain in the past, let us start anew.


12., not everyone will see you as perfect; those who do love you will even find your flaws endearing to them.

13., I want to dress up as a delivery girl and go to your place saying "Mr., your package has arrived" so that I can be closer to you for once.

14.just once

15.people should maintain a certain distance from each other.

16.life is about choices, persistence and resilience; it's not about whether one's life is good or bad but about being clear-headed and wise in one's decisions; give yourself back to yourself and that would be true self-realization.

17.everyone becomes truly strong after going through times when no one helps nor supports them - every challenge alone, every emotion known only to oneself - but if we persevere through these hardships, everything changes afterward

18.another name for me is solitude,

19.nowadays happiness does not necessarily mean forgiveness from me; I just wish on some future day you'll understand how much I used to care for someone like you who mistook pearls for fish scales

20.one of the ways people show they're doing well is by no longer needing others' validation that they are doing well.

21.some things are different for us all - like Long White Mountain for me, woolen fabric for me, blue color for me & u 4 m e

22.painful experiences often mark our growth.

23.there exists a kind of foolish person who stands with you against the entire world even though he knows he won't win this battle because their names are brothers

24.i am blessed twice in my life: first time when time finally erases my love towards u & second time when i met u long ago

25.philosophy isn't an academic subject but rather a way of thinking which enables young minds understand & stand upon solid ground

26.young ones need more suffering before becoming humble otherwise their overconfidence might lead them astray

27.to abandon someone deeply loved feels like setting ablaze where we've lived long enough knowing it was our home yet never returning there again.

28.a single hand wiping away tears during failures means much more than countless hands clapping together on success.

29.can u take me anywhere? anywhere at all?

30.all the chrysanthemums in this city belong to whom?

31.nothing comes easily overnight; it takes years of hard work & dedication

32.even if we fall down ,let's laugh bravely
