十、 你不觉得累吗? 你已经在我的世界里跑了好几圈了。
十三,你知道,你和猴子有什么区别吗?” “一个住在山洞,一个住在我的心里。”
十五知道我和唐僧什么区别吗 唐僧取经 我娶您
十六曾经自诩半个诗人,看山深情伟岸,看海热情澎湃,看花见草信他们皆有故事云海江潮虫鸣鸟啼暗藏情愿唯独见了您 山川沉默 海面静谧 云海不再翻涌 江潮不再澎湃 花鸟鱼虫被光与尘凝固 世界万籁俱寂 只剩下您
二十二 知道为何无法抵抗的情感正是我害怕的事情” “不知道” “因为害怕老婆”
二十三 你会弹吉他吗? 为何拨动的是这颗心弦?
二十四 请告诉她,她让我有点怪怪地看着她,而这个怪怪,让她也变得如此美丽无比
Twenty-five, I notice you're a little different today. Different and beautiful.
Twenty-six, there's something on your face. Something beautiful.
Twenty-seven, I cut my hand and you should too. Then we can be two mouths together.
Twenty-eight, the vast ocean has no bounds; turning back is me again.
Twenty-nine, in the east wind night with ten thousand flowers blooming trees, I want to live in your house.
Thirty, do you want to try my strawberry-flavored lip gloss?
Thirty-one, I have a project worth nine billion yuan that needs to discuss privately with you alone.
Thirty-two, my bed is neither too big nor too small; it's just right for sleeping next to you.
Thirty-three You guess what I like? Being loved by you!
Thirty-four Don't cherish me now; if this village passes through another village where we meet again wait for me at the next village ahead of time!
Thirty-five Seeing so many things but nothing compares to seeing you;
36 When we met God whispered four words into my ear: "Inescapable calamity".
37 What scent do you smell? There isn't one yet! But why does the air become sweet as soon as you appear?
38 Are You an animal from which constellation? Dragon belongs! No... You belong to me!
39 One point five don't think about it anymore...
Forty Just had an earthquake? No... That's why when I see You ,my heart shakes!
41 If it doesn't bother You could please bother liking me a bit more?
42 Mo Wen Cai's cloudy days Sun Yan Zi's rainy days Zhōu Jié Lèng 's sunny days are all overshadowed by talking with You .
43 Why would You hurt Me ? Hurt Me how? By making Me fall deeply in love with You .
44 When bored think about Me . Don't waste time know what?
45 Feeling like playing a game called My World ?
46 Do You have matches? No... How did Your spark ignite My heart then?!
47 Knowing where My heart is ? Left wrong on Your side correct?!