
  • 毕业说说
  • 2025年01月08日
  • 一、我以前喜欢吃肉,但今天看到你,我决定开始吃素,因为,你是我的菜。 二、你的嘴真好看,特别适合说我爱你。 三、你的笑容没有酒,我却醉的像条狗。 四、大年三十晚上的鞭炮再响,也没有我想你那么想。 五、你能不能别说话了。”“我没有啊。”“那为什么我满脑子都是你的声音? 六、我看你挺笨的吹口哨都不会,要不要我嘴对嘴教你。 七、既然你已经把我的心弄乱了,那么你准备什么时候来弄乱我的床? 八、你是方便面











十、你不觉得累吗? 你已经在我的世界里跑了好几圈了。

十一、我想问一条路 到你的心里去.


十三,你知道you和猴子什么区别吗?” “一个住在山洞,一個住在my心里.”


十五,知道I和唐僧什么区别吗 唐僧取经 I娶you.

十六,有时I自诩半个诗人,看见山是深情伟岸,看见海是热情澎湃,看见花见草信他们皆有故事云海江潮虫鸣鸟啼都暗藏情愫。唯独看见ed you, 山川沉默, 海面静谧, 云海不再翻涌, 江潮不再澎湃. 花鸟鱼虫被光与尘凝固. 世界万籁俱寂,只剩下you.




二十,他们那边家乡话de how do you say "i love you"?


二十二,you知不知道为什么i怕y? “不知道” “因为 i怕老婆”

Twenty-three,you will play the guitar? why did you pluck my heartstrings?

twenty-four,you know why i'm afraid of y?" "don't know" "because i'm afraid of my wife"

twenty-five,i noticed that y today is a bit strange... strange and beautiful

twenty-six,your face has something on it... what is it? pretty!

twenty-seven,i cut myself with a knife; why don't we both get cuts like this so we can be together as two people?

Twenty-eight,kua hai wu jian, hui tou wo shi ni ya...

Twenty-nine,east wind night release flowers ten thousand trees... want to go live in your house

Thirty-one,want to try out my strawberry lip gloss on you?

Thirty-two,mY bed is not big or small; just right for sleeping with y

Thirty-three,you guess what I like about y? It's being loved by me!

Thirty-four,don't cherish me now; when this village passes by next time, I'll wait for you in the next village;

Thirty-five,saw what kind of world scene? Just see Y would be enough!

36 when I met Y, god whispered four characters in my ear: 'in calamity difficult to escape'.

37 Do u smell anything? No.. How come every time u come out the air smells sweet already?

38 You are which constellation? Dragon's sign... no... You belong to me!

39 Not at all interested in Y anymore... almost half interested...

40 Just had an earthquake didn't u ? No.. Why do I feel a shock whenever I think of Y ?

41 If it doesn't bother u too much could U please like me a little bit more?

42 Mo Wen Cai's rain day , Sun Yan Zhi's rainy day , Zhou Jie Lun's sunny day ... nothing compares to chatting with U and Me .

43 Why r u harming me ? Harming whom ? Harming someone who loves U so much...

44 Don't waste time thinking about me . Know that ?

45 You resemble a game - My World .

46 Have any lighter matches ? No.. How did U ignite the fire in My Heart then ?

47 You're heart liver kidney lungs etc., everything except Me .

48 This lifetime stay with Me or not . Can't then ill think up some other way ...

49 Why am i sick because of seeing U .. Because there's no resistance once l see Your Face !

50 l am Nine minus One equals Zero plus One equals YOU .

51 Guess where My Heart is .. Left side wrong ; At Your Side
