
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月06日
  • 1.遗憾的重量,各人承载不同。伤痛虽有痊愈之日,但遗憾则伴随终生,如同影子,不离不弃。 2.言语难以诉说哀愁,未经者轻视,历经者淡忘。亲爱者忧虑,冷漠者欢喜,最终自感绝望。 3.时间流转,人心变迁。生命如电影,无逆无悔,只能任情消逝,即使回头,也见面目全非。 4.你我相隔若猴捞月,无论远近均不可及。泪落无声,一切只能默然接受。 5.泪水再次崩溃,无力阻挡其下坠,只能任其自然流淌。我还能做何事?










9.I gave my words to the wind, my affection to the rain, my passion to the sun, and my tenderness to the moon; I left only a fragile heart in the wind.

10.When I miss you, I write your name on my palm - it's longing when spread out and happiness when held tight.

11.Sometime we think of things without intention; sometime memories linger even with gray hair; sometime wounds remain unseen because they reside within our hearts.

12.The one who loves too deeply will ultimately be humbled; you are always soft spot for me but never part of my armor.

13.We fall in love at wrong times and places then spend a lifetime trying to forget.

14.When we say "it's nothing," it is often our most difficult moment.

15.I once loved you as if you were unique, but now you're just another forgotten memory among many that soaked through pillows in sleepless nights yet remained unnoticed by your indifference.

16.In countless moments I wished for your presence but was left alone to endure them all alone as well.

17.My retreats from life make me question what purpose this existence serves watching their repeated hopes and disappointments with self-blame and guilt-ridden thoughts.

18.Aging days turn cold while sorrowful nights loom over me waiting for sighs in dark corners yearning desperately for someone or something as time drips away with tears inscribed into every monotonous day and woeful night etching loneliness' marks on soul.

19.The world holds no permanent positions where some are destined only to be hurt while others can't catch up or forever stay inside someone else's mind.

20.At times I am tongue-tied despite having much to say; at times dreams abound yet powerlessness prevails; at times misunderstandings arise from thoughtless words causing frustration within; at times an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion washes over me leaving no escape from confusion about future plans amidst uncertainty about tomorrow's self-image lost amidst chaos before realizing that life has been lived without looking back nor forward leaving everything behind like sand between fingers slipping away into oblivion without a trace...
