You said I believed you.你曾说过,我曾信赖。
Time has faded from the memory, like the petals of a flower that once bloomed with vibrant colors, now nothing but a faint recollection of its former beauty.时光,像一朵曾经绚烂盛开的花儿,如今只留下淡淡的回忆,仿佛所有的色彩都随风而逝。
To lose the pursuit of the lost, going to marry the well-being of the married—isn't it a bittersweet irony?要放弃追求失去的事物,而选择与已婚之人的幸福生活—isn't this life's paradox?
When we learn to treasure simple happiness, we will be winners in life; for it is not grandeur or fame that truly matters, but rather the quiet contentment that comes from within—this is what makes us triumphant beings on this earth.
Life is not what you have gained but what you have done—it's about embracing each moment and making them count.
We talk too much, love too little and lie too often—perhaps it's time to listen more intently to our own hearts instead.