1.愿天堂的妈妈一切安好,若干年后一个宁静的夜晚我和您还能见面。 2.世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。祝天堂的您~母亲节快乐~~ 3.天堂里的亲人们,请你们放心,天堂人间也好,阴阳相隔也罢,你们永生在我们心里,谁都不会把你们遗忘! 4.妈妈,若是有来生,请不要再遇见我们这些让您操碎心的一群人。若是实在躲不掉,请做我们三个,任何一个人的孩子,我们疼您,爱您,许您一世常乐。 5.妈妈在世,我家乡就是我的老家;但你走了,这故乡就成了另一种情感的归宿。6.虽然你离去了,但留下的是无尽的痛楚与思念。你知道,我还有多少遗憾、几多期盼吗?7.空旷的人间烟火,在我心头绽放着丝丝冷艳。我遥望天国那片彼岸,那里有你的温暖慈爱。我感觉到那份浓浓的情感。8.我想念你啊!尽管你不在这里,但每一天夜晚,我都在思念着你。那份深深的情感,让我无法释怀。
9.I miss the touch of your face, so full of wisdom and experience.
10.Home is where the mother is; but in this life, I won't be able to see you again! How are you in heaven? Do you know how much I miss you? This Mother's Day, my father will go join you there; so don't feel lonely!
11.Mommy, Mommy...I miss you so much! Though we were apart when you left us, your image has been etched deep within my memory.
12.Mommy...do they have warmth in heaven? Do they still tell stories by the fireplace like our family used to?
13.You are my eternal driving force without whom I wouldn't have today's resilience.Mommy...I think about you every day and night.
14.Shocked by the news, I am overcome with grief.The deceased may rest in peace; please take it easy and adjust accordingly.
15.You became a star up there; whenever I think of you, look up at the sky.
16.My family will live well over there.No need for us to be too sad either way.
17.The green hills remain forever while rivers keep flowing on—Motherly love endures! May Mother in Heaven be at peace!
18.I silently wish for Mom: May there be no sickness or pain in heaven; may You live long and happy!
19.Happy Mother's Day to Mom from her loving son—how are things going for You up there?
20.Birth, old age, illness and death follow nature's laws—the departed has reached their final resting place—there is no need to grieve excessively.
23.It has already been three years since your departure on this Mother’s Day…You’re gone from me now...
24.On this Mother’s Day, far away across time-space—I wish all mothers who have passed away peace!
25.Love my mother! Wishing her happiness in heaven!
26.Family members always watch over each other from above,you can’t see them now but they never leave your side.
27.To all those who reside peacefully above—we wish them happiness! Thank them for what they gave our world before departing—it was a beautiful journey!
28.Let those living cherish their lives as an expression of comfort for their loved ones who have passed on.See that everyone gets along happily after leaving here.
29.Born out of hope—a comforting thought born out of sadness.Away from home yet striving towards happiness—this could only happen because she had given birth first—and then lived through trials & tribulations
30.All banquets eventually come undone.Grandpa may not be with us anymore—but he left behind many things which stay alive forever inside him