
  • 霸气说说
  • 2024年12月05日
  • 1.纵使大海茫茫,星辰依旧指引前行;城市的灯火虽繁华,却亦能成为迷失与归途的光明。2.我不顾一切寻找你,却未被你的心识到。我不出声,你也不言语,我们仿佛有默契。3.在喧嚣中,我独自安宁,不愿听闻他人的声音。4.世间许多事无能为力,如生老病死、时光匆匆、你不爱我等。但是,可否让我疯狂地爱上你?5.故事终将落幕,有人欢喜有人悲泣。这世界并未抛弃你,而是根本没有留意你的存在。6.请别在我面前轻易晃动


1.纵使大海茫茫,星辰依旧指引前行;城市的灯火虽繁华,却亦能成为迷失与归途的光明。2.我不顾一切寻找你,却未被你的心识到。我不出声,你也不言语,我们仿佛有默契。3.在喧嚣中,我独自安宁,不愿听闻他人的声音。4.世间许多事无能为力,如生老病死、时光匆匆、你不爱我等。但是,可否让我疯狂地爱上你?5.故事终将落幕,有人欢喜有人悲泣。这世界并未抛弃你,而是根本没有留意你的存在。6.请别在我面前轻易晃动,我已无力再虚情假意了。你每次来我的空间,都会清空访问记录,但不知是我空间永远只对你开放罢了。7.在你面前,我放下了所有傲慢。我用简单的话诉说我的哀伤,只为了寻求一丝慰藉。你是否仍然喜欢一个人,即使至今也未放手?8.不要执着于回忆,断线风筝只能让它飘扬,放过他更是释放自己。不必抓住记忆,就如同释放飞翔的风筝,让它自由翱翔吧!9.我们用最朴素的话语讲述自己的忧伤,是为了找到一丝安慰。你是否仍然珍视那个曾经深爱的人?10.离开总有一天,为何要沉浸于悲伤呢?11.i知道这段路只能够陪伴着你走完,但我渴望延长这一段旅程与你的相遇。在转角处偶遇,又或许正是在转弯处邂逅,竟发现对方也在转弯。12.Clear is the haze of shallow sleep, and giving up is the reversal of obsession.Don't perform for those who don't belong to you, and live a life that's not your own.I long to drink myself into oblivion with you, pouring out all my love for you like wine.I once thought you'd matured, but then I realized you just stopped smiling so much anymore.The moment I see your back, I can recognize it; the moment I see your side profile, I can tell it's you—do you believe me?It's called deep love—just enough old wine to get drunk on a few tears shed in drunkenness.Fate will end stories; some laugh while others cry—the world hasn't forgotten about us; it simply doesn't care either way.Let them not flutter before my eyes—I've lost even the energy to pretend anymore.Your visits always clear my browsing history—but do know that my space has always been open only to him alone from the start.In front of you, I let go of all pride.The definition of a good drink is when two people are willing to get drunk together.Pray they don't flutter before my eyes—I've lost even the energy to pretend anymore.Later on, those who didn't understand love learned it—and those who did understand love were too afraid to fall in love again.Such moments: one second full of hope as if pushed into an endless sky; then another second filled with despair as if plummeting down from such heights.Total abandon awaits at every turn—why cling onto sorrow?I'll walk this road with only memories by our side but yearn for more time spent beside someone dear.A meeting at a bend—a chance encounter perhaps made possible by turning corners—it seems we both turned around unexpectedly.Clear-headedness is just an illusion in shallow sleep and giving up is merely reversing one's obsession.Don't play roles for crowds that aren't yours—live life without claiming ownership over it.All i want is to be intoxicated alongside you telling everything i feel about lovingyou - 27.you're right behind me,you're recognizable,you believe me?you're right beside me,you're recognizable,you believe me?so-called deep affection,a couple bowls of old wine ,drunkards' tears dripping down...
