

1.纵使大海茫茫,星辰依旧指引前行;城市的灯火虽繁华,却亦能成为迷失与归途的指针。2.3.我不顾一切来到你身旁,你却不知我如何妥协。4.我们互相保持沉默,只是偶尔有默契的一次联系。5.在喧嚣中,我独自安静,不愿听他人的言语。6.世界上许多事无可奈何,如生老病死、光阴流逝和你对我的冷漠。7.难道不能换一种爱,让它疯狂地爱着我吗?8.每个故事终将结束,但有人欢喜,有人悲伤。9.别以为世界遗弃了你,其实,它从未把注意力放在你身上。10.请不要在我面前飘忽,我已没有再装作关心你的力量。11。他每次访问她的空间都会清除足迹,却不知道她的空间始终只为他一人开放门户。在她眼前,他轻易放下所有傲慢和尊严。我用最简单的话语诉说自己的哀痛,只为了寻求一丝慰藉。你是否一直喜欢一个人,从未放手?12.do not hold on to memories, let go of the kite with a broken line, and let it fly away; releasing him is also releasing oneself from pain.

13.Our simple words convey our sorrow, seeking comfort in each other's presence.Is there someone you still haven't given up on?14.Don't cling to memories; a good wine is defined by two people willing to get drunk together.

15.Later, those who didn't understand love finally did; but those who understood love were afraid to love again.The definition of a good wine is two people willing to get drunk together.

16.Pleasantly surprised that you're here with me tonight; I'm glad we can share this moment together.I know I can only accompany you for this part of the journey, but I wish to stay by your side longer.Ah, how nice it would be if you could turn around too!

17.Clear-headedness is just an illusion before falling asleep; giving up is just the reverse of clinging onto something dear.Don't perform for those who don't belong to you or excel at things beyond your reach.I longed so much for us both to drink ourselves into oblivion while confessing all my feelings for you.Years later, when maturity arrived in your life - yet without the smile that once adorned it...I can recognize your back as if it were a familiar sight! Even one side profile was enough for me to identify - do believe me?

18.To be loved by someone until they lose their mind.Such deep affection boils down merely drinking old wine and crying tears due chance and coincidence alone...
