
  • 霸气说说
  • 2025年01月04日
  • 1、渣男太多,女人要自立自强才不会被欺负,老爸一直告诉自己要有自己的事业自己的人生!不能靠男人。我庆幸遇到大壮,也感谢老爸的一直焦点。 2、女人要花的是自己打拼赚来的钱。带来的不仅是财富,更是一种自信自立的精神,输过、败过、哭过,但从来都没有怕过。她们就喜欢这样活着!不委屈求全,不委屈求财。人格独立,思想独立,经济独立,情感也独立!没有公主的命,但有一颗女王的心,送给所有正在打拼的女人们…… 3




3、情绪这种东西,非得严加控制不可,一味纵容地自悲自怜,便越来越消沉。让一切归零....... 我要努力赚钱!不是因为我爱钱。而是这辈子我不想因为钱和谁在一起,也不想因为钱而离开谁!女人要尊严,就必须自立!


5不要相信一个正在对别的女人发情的男人对你的保证,因为没有用,他欺骗你一次,还会有第二次。 woman want to be strong, not weak. She must learn to stand alone and make her own decisions.

6果然woman self-reliance is the best way to avoid being hurt.

7I always think that women should be independent, self-reliant, self-respectful and self-loving. They should not depend on anyone else for happiness or fulfillment. Women need to have their own interests and passions outside of their relationships with men.

8The most important thing in life is not what you have but how you feel about yourself. Women should focus on building their confidence and independence rather than relying on others for validation.

9Women should not rely on men for financial security or emotional support. They need to take charge of their lives and make sure they are prepared for any situation that may arise.

10Self-reliance is a powerful tool for women who want to achieve success in all areas of life. It allows them to take control of their lives, set goals, and pursue them with determination.

11Independence means having the freedom to make choices without being influenced by others' opinions or expectations.

12Being an independent woman doesn't mean you don't need help from others; it means you know how to ask for it when needed while still maintaining your autonomy.

13A strong woman is one who can stand up for herself even when no one else will.

14The key factor in a successful relationship is mutual respect between partners - where both parties value each other's thoughts, feelings, desires & needs as equal entities

15Don't let anyone define your worth based on someone else's opinion or action towards you! You are unique & special!

16A truly independent woman does not just lean on her partner; she leans into herself first before seeking support from others

17To be truly free we must embrace our vulnerability & accept that we're never fully ready

18The more I read about history the more I realize why I am so grateful today...for my parents' love which made me believe i could do anything...

19If she has nothing then she can create something out of nothing...

20It takes courage + strength + resilience + patience = Success

21No matter what happens in life keep smiling because u never know who might see ur smile n decide 2 change ur destiny

22Life isn't easy but remember there r people like me who care abt u n wanna help u through tough times
